In the modern world, climate change and global warming have become two seemingly interchangeable terms. Experts warn the world of the harsh effects of global warming. The rise in the temperature of the world could bring about results in the balance in nature that will later lead to more problems. Global warming in simple terms is the observed continuous increase in the average water and wind movements in the atmosphere. It has always been likened to the greenhouse effect, which basically causes the snow caps to melt. 

In 2013, during the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded in their fifth assessment report, "It is extremely possible that the height of the increase in the scale of the effects of global warming has been due greatly to human influence." The report also included information on human activity with the most significant influence in the worsening conditions of the planet. The emission of greenhouse gases such as methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide are all contributors to the problem of climate change. 

"Steps to the Future"  -- a series produced by the Amazon Prime -- have conducted their own investigation to look into the likely situation in the years to come. The narrator reveals that several powerful countries in the world are already conducting a study to fight off the harsh effects of global warming not only to humans but to other life forms as well. 

For years, the team has been working on developing various computer models that will show three possible scenarios of the Earth in the future. 

"Everything has become dependent on people's actions. Whether we should continue to disturb the planet by sending off more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere or not."

To begin, the first scenario is a bit utopic. The researchers believe that the wisdom of humanity will stop the damage to the environment right away. In this process, one can see that the process of the ice age will have to come in the next 50,000 years. It will peak in 150,000 years.

The second scenario is more realistic in nature. It imagines important disturbances in the climate, but nothing as massive. 

Finally, the third scenario involves the continuous use of fossil fuels and the steady increase of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. At this point, greenland disappears. If it happens exactly like this, the world could be saved from another ice age. What is even more extraordinary about the situation is that there will be no glaciation that will happen in the next 150,000 years or so. 

For the same reason that global warming may be saving the planet from another ice age, it also puts itself in jeopardy. With a planet of more than 7 billion people around the globe, it is a must that everyone does their share to save the world.