Nitrogen is a basic building block for plants. Nitrogen helps plants grow. When the supply of nitrogen is enough for the ecosystem to follow its cycle, plants will grow the proper way and animals will not be disturbed. 

Generally, nitrogen is a good element, but just like any other substance, too much of it may be harmful to the plants and the animals around them. Too much nitrogen may result in nitrogen pollution.

What is nitrogen pollution?

Nitrogen pollution occurs when there is an excessive amount of phosphorus and nitrogen in the air and bodies of water such as rivers and lakes. When there are too much phosphorus and nitrogen in the water, there may be a rapid growth of algae which may affect the balance in the ecosystem.

Nitrogen pollution can come from too much nitrogen emission. Nitrogen emission includes nitrogen oxide, nitrous oxide, and ammonia. These emissions are greatly found in fertilizers that farmers use to grow their crops. These are the crops we buy and prepare for our families to share during mealtime.

If nitrogen can help grow vegetables, fruits, and other crops, how is it harmful?

In comparison to carbon pollution, nitrogen pollution has become a more challenging problem. Nitrogen pollution does not just impact the plants and animals around us, but it can also cause adverse effects on human health.

The presence of nitrates in seas, rivers, lakes and other water forms can contribute to eutrophication that can greatly impact fisheries and the quality of our drinking water. The presence of nitrates can also cause acidification in soils and bodies of water.

Nitrogen oxide that is emitted into the atmosphere can greatly affect the quality of the air we breathe. It can also vastly deplete our ozone layer. 

Nitrogen oxide becomes more harmful when combined with ammonia. This harmful combination can increase the risks of respiratory diseases and cancer.

Nitrogen dioxide that is emitted from cars and other automobiles becomes ground-level ozone that can be transformed into nitric acid. Nitric acid seeps through the soil and leaches into groundwater.

Is there a way to minimize nitrogen pollution?

Since nitrogen pollution is mostly found in fertilizers that are used in growing crops, it is best to measure the amount of chemical ingredients found in fertilizers. It should also be monitored and regulated to meet specific farming standards.

Automotive vehicles should undergo regular cleaning to ensure reduced emission of nitrogen dioxide. 

Nitrogen pollution may be the greatest danger that the human race is facing because of the extreme risk it can cause human life. It may also be as cruel as the effects climate change can offer, but we can do our part to reduce its effect.

We can halt the terrifying threats of nitrogen pollution! Let's start today!