When the first 3D printers became available, engineers and designers around the world were thrilled at their potential. Creating an item in a matter of hours from a design that was just on a sheet of paper before seemed like science fiction. It was happening nonetheless. This manufacturing process has grown in leaps and bounds. Understanding why a 3D printing service should be used by designers and manufacturers alike is the key to success in the 21st century.

1. Freedom to be Creative

Designs were almost always limited by prototyping limitations. Simplicity was a requirement. Thinking outside of the box made initial production too difficult.

Online 3D printing has changed how engineers think. They can come up with some out-of-this-world designs, and a prototype can emerge without too much effort. Creativity is now the driving factor instead of machining limitations.

2. Negligible Machining Costs

In the past, engineers had to account for molds and machining accessories to make their ideas come alive in the first place. A 3D printer machine doesn't need any accessories to make a standard prototype. It simply lays out the materials as necessary. Those old-fashioned machining costs are negligible now.

3. Parts in Days Not Weeks

Send in an order for a new design, and engineers might forget about the item for a month or longer. The 3D printing process is unique because it takes a few days to complete a project order instead of weeks or months at a time. The machinery lays out the material layer by layer. There's no cutting or elaborate finishing that must be done. Parts emerge with fine precision.

4. Online Access

Physically taking design to a local shop for prototyping is time-consumingSeveral trips may be necessary. The beauty of today's marketplace is its mobile aspect. Online 3D printing is the current wave of productivity impacting the design world. 

Engineers simply add their design to a website upload. The system performs the rest of the work. They can continue with other projects while the computer completes the next steps. 

5. Cornering the Supply-Chain Market

Production on any invention will come to a halt when parts aren't available. A 3D printing service takes the supply issues out of the picture. The supply chain can be quickly filled with the necessary parts in a matter of a few days. Many engineers appreciate this aspect of 3DP, especially if their designs are particularly complex.

6. Practically No Mistakes

Prototyping any concept is often full of mistakes. Changes are made based on these discoveries. Skip the design issues with 3DP. Some services, such as those offered by 3D Hubs, come with a design checker. 

After engineers upload their designs to the printing service, they're checked by the program for any anomalies. It reports back the issues before any items are even made. This troubleshooting feature is a must for most professionals.

For any questions about 3D printing, contact 3D Hubs today. Our printing solutions continue to evolve with the times. See what additive manufacturing can do for any design challenge.