The human brain is the most complicated as well as the most delicate part of the human nervous system. The brain is responsible for transmitting signals from one part to another part of the body. It is responsible for coordinating sensory motors and the actions received by the body.

Seemingly, the brain undulates whenever blood circulates and also every time any part of the body moves. 

Recent research shows that brain implants are possible with the ever-evolving advancements in science and technology. Today, more and more research laboratories and facilities are coming up with neuron-like devices that can be implanted in the brain.

Although it may still be challenging to trace which neurons are responsible for human behaviors, scientists and researchers are certain about general areas of the brain that are responsible for emotions, decision-making, and knowledge-building. In this research, it proved that the brain manifests everything that happens to the body.

What you think, what you perceive, how you act, any disease or illness you suffer from, all these are manifested to and from the brain. Simply put, everything comes from the brain!

Any damage caused to the brain may affect body functionality and mobility. Fatal blows on the head may also affect mental and emotional health.

The innovation of neuron-like implants can help individuals who are experiencing brain lapses to think and move better. These implanted neural devices can help alleviate disease-associated symptoms such as intrusive tremors experienced by persons with Parkinson's Disease.

These neuron-like implants are designed to offer better treatment options to Alheimer's disease. They can also be used as a medical solution to post-traumatic stress disorder or as a means to enhance cognitive abilities. 

More advanced research is aimed toward controlling the mind to facilitate the movement of prosthetics. The intention is to design a more flexible brain implant that can manage tissues to move accordingly and not against the brain's command.

Do you think that mind control with these neuron-like implants is just a possibility or a reality in the future? 

Neural implants can truly be the future of mind control!