When you make some kind of a purchase you can easily fall into doubts, and start wondering whether you've made a good choice or not. Given that every market is huge, and that there are so many options to choose from, this is perfectly normal.
If you've recently purchased an employee time tracking app and you're having second thoughts about it, we're here to give you a piece of mind. Today we'll explore what makes the best team time tracking software.
Numerous Productivity Tracking Features
The main purpose of using an employee time tracking app is to increase employees' productivity levels. Therefore, your perfect software must have different features to help you measure and improve productivity in the company.
Website and App Labeling
Once you start using your best timekeeping app you should be able to label websites and apps as productive or unproductive. For example, when your employee accesses Facebook, the app will prompt you to label this website. So, if the employee in question works in your IT Support team, you can mark it as unproductive.
This feature is most useful when combined with productivity reports, which are our next point.
Productivity Reports
Based on the labeling you created, reports will show how much of your employees' shift is spent productively. Additionally, you can use the software to track time on tasks and projects, and track productive time there as well.
The best online time clock software will also have an option for you to view these reports based on employee, team, department, or company-wide. Additionally, you'll be able to download the report or even get it at a set time to your email address.
Ease of Use and Implementation
This is one of the basic functionalities you'll be testing even during the free trial of your employee time tracking app. How quickly were you able to implement the app to everyone's computer? The best timekeeping software will allow you to do this through the active directory, so you don't have to go from computer to computer installing the agent.
Furthermore, you should think how swiftly you were able to find your way around the app. Is it intuitive and simple? Or did you need to contact the support team to help you our with some parts of the set up?
Other Notable Features
So, the main factors to consider when deciding if the app of your choice really is the best online time tracking solution are productivity features and the simplicity of the app. However, you can also count in some of the features below:
Access Options
Some software will allow you to give data access to your employees, to set up managers who will be able to see their team's data. Furthermore, you can give access to your clients so they can check up on their projects at any time.
This is always one of the determining factors when deciding what to purchase. You should take into consideration that the most expensive doesn't always mean it's the best, the same way that the cheapest doesn't mean the app is the worst on the market. You should think if you're able to get discounts on yearly subscriptions, or for a bigger number of employees.
This is not a necessity, but it's always good when the time tracking app of your choice can integrate with a project management software, or with a payroll application. This way it's easier for you to pay employees directly from one app, and organize projects at the same time.
Bonus Features
Some bonus features can include employee scheduling, screenshots, data protection, as well as other security features.
Wrap Up
What is the best time tracking tool really depends on your wants and needs. What might be good for you, might not be good for me, and vice versa. So, don't pay too much attention to the comments you read online. Read them, but don't give them too much credit. The best way to find out is to test the app yourself, and follow the advice from this article.