High-Temperature Phosphorous Lakes Were the Birthing Cauldrons of Life on Earth
(Photo : insideecology.com)
In high-temperature phosphorous lakes, the first elements of life were cooked and led to the creation of life. Without phosphorous, there would have been not a chance to assemble the framework of life.

On this blue orb called Earth, everything began hot, and everything boiled as the element of life took hold. As condensation produced water, then lakes were formed, the heat of the earth rising. Life never began as spurious, but need six chemicals to cook the first life on earth. As high-temperature phosphorous lakes cooked the last ingredient in the birthing cauldron of life.

Just a dash of phosphorous and the long march from single to multi-celled organisms of today. But, there are still single-celled creatures that live geysers and hot spring as before. With the production of phosphorous as one of the chemicals needed for life, because it anchors DNA and RNA molecules. This is the first strings of primitive life, as they form the powerhouses that provide energy for the simplest organisms. By this time, the lipids are forming into cellular walls around it.

 There is an onerous catch with this scenario, that is how did phosphorous come about anyway? When hot boiling earth was cooking everything, this is the phosphate problem. As coined by Jonathan Toner of Washington University, where is an earth and space, science professor.
When phosphorous is supposed to have formed and combined to form life molecules, but a scarcity of phosphorous is something to deal with. Research studies by scientists point to certain lakes that may have had conditions wherein phosphorous is plentiful too.

 Some lakes are carbonate lakes which are found in dry environs, inside depressions with water channeled in by the landscape. If the water dries up fast, these lakes are very salty and highly acidic too. Most of these occur in all places on earth quite naturally as natural land features.

Scientists took stock of phosphorous in carbonate-rich lakes in California, Kenya, and India that were accessible for research. Findings were gathered and samples from several seasons and revealed more phosphorous that seawater has. About 50,000 times more than usual than other bodies of water on the planet. This is an indicator that it occurs naturally all over the globe.

 All these lakes are rich in supporting life from the most complex to the one-celled. One of these lakes is found in Lake Magadi in Kenya, Africa. Samples were taken by scientists to investigate how lakes gather phosphorous with how it happens. One intriguing question is how the chemical of life leaches into a dead lake?

Some observations why abundant phosphorous is made more available by more carbonate that is attracted to calcium, which forms calcium carbonate. This allows more phosphorous to form, without competing with calcium in a liquid solution. The key to forming more phosphorous is dependent on the carbonate present. It decides whether phosphorous might be formed more or less. In a way, this might solve the problems of producing more phosphorous and explain where it came from.

 In conclusion, the high-temperature phosphorous lake are hot, and they cooked everything to phosphorous creating life. This primitive sound was the cauldron as life was birthed, and all that is left is to evolve from that point.

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