We are living in a universe of titans or black holes that are everywhere, and scientists on earth with radio telescopes and imaging telescopes have front seats to see the chaos in the universe. The proto universe, born a few seconds or so, was dark matter that was not held by the gravity today. In this specific situation, stars unhampered by gravity became collapsed into the massive black holes.
With spacetime that was born from the firmament of dark matter, it becomes the spine of the universe. In this spine blackholes that can swallow galaxies exist, these galactic maelstroms are unknown and are just based on theories. It is changed now, and scientists have to gather clues leading to the answers to why they even exist.
Before galaxies are made, there should be gas clouds all over, a key additive is a dark matter that holds the universe together like crazy glue. Without dark matter holding everything together, the universe will forever expand or be the cause of a shrinking cosmos. One condition conducive to the forming of a massive black hole or spatial anomaly in the spacetime continuum is the fast growth of a halo in the proto-universe in its earliest formation. Effectively, it prevents stars from forming in spacetime, instead, a massive black hole will be there.
They are the killer of stars because they consume gas into the event horizon, and release energy as a result. As more gas is eaten by the time-space anomaly, it grows instead of the gas used to form up infant stars. Scientists have speculated that strong radiation from other galactic sources, stop stars from flourishing. But, the opposite it seems because black holes cause galactic expansion instead. Studies show that a more massive black hole is waiting out there, to consume anything near the event horizon (tip of the black hole opening).
Best guesses point to photons released by these monster black holes as seen by telescope from immense stellar distances (more than a lightyear). Even better, the light is seen from a quasar, or black hole has reached the earth from 13 billion light-years away. All guesses are status quo, do not point out how monster black holes came to be.
More of a longshot, but if galaxies are formed really fast, which is drastic, and forces at work are violent. The clashing of dark matter, gravity, and how the spacetime reacts to create these matter-consuming anomalies (large black holes) is a possible outcome. If this happens anytime with galaxy creation, it aborts making stars, and a black hole sucks in all precious gas needed to make young stars. In short, a killer and an aborter of infant stars.
One premise that is clearly defined is these massive black holes are growing fast, not limited by galactic radiation. Instead, it eagerly consumes any source of matter, and there are more out there. The interaction of gravity and dark matter, and how every clue point to creating them. For now, it will be good for the meantime. Knowing more about black holes and how they become visible in the spacetime is another mystery to solve.
Related Article: New Research Solves Key Mystery in the Birth of Massive Black Holes