Using chemistry to make solar energy a better and more efficient power source is not easy. Recent developments have allowed scientists, to use the whole spectrum of light not just several to create hydrogen.

 Making it possible is the development of a single molecule that absorbs the sun's rays and can transform solar energy into hydrogen. As an alternative fuel, hydrogen can power cars with upgraded solar cells,

It collects more than 50% of the power generated by current tech solar cells. This molecule can suck up, all the energy in the visible spectrum of sunlight. A solution for renewable energy, this will be important. Using cleaner power allow the shifting to renewable from pollutive oil-based sources, killing the environment too. For a fact, this may drive zero collateral damage that leads to zero energy too.

Transforming photons derived from sunlight and changing it to hydrogen, which is innovative compared to older technology. As a process, the transformation of sunlight into stored energy to be stored for a longer period. The application is endless with this kind of solar harvesting tech.

Before this study, it was difficult to harvest 100% of the power that sunlight can produce. It was just a limit spot from the light spectrum, it is a severe limitation too. The challenge of finding a way to access collectible energy in the low energy of the infrared wavelength, and capturing the photons to change it into hydrogen. The element hydrogen is what causes stars to fire up and create heat, that heat energy which is what we feel on our skin. As a clean source of power, hydrogen does not give off carbon or carbon dioxide, a source of destructive greenhouse gases.

 Researchers noted these steps and factors to are important, to transform photons in stored hydrogen.

a. A molecule in an excited state of energization, it combines with a photon and holds dual electrons to create hydrogen. This process of producing hydrogen is a first and an innovative step in producing solar energy.

 b. A catalyzer is needed to start any chemical reaction and speed it up a bit. The increased chemical reactions with the engineered molecule are the key to change photons into storable and usable hydrogen for cars. This stored hydrogen is used for more than cars and will change the concept of energy grids.

 c. There were more failures using ultraviolet rays and turning it to hydrogen. It did not work compared to infrared rays, that are more successful at producing energy.

 d. Most catalysts decayed fast and were single-molecule types, not good enough. When in contact with photons, that caused the catalysts to obliterate faster than expected.

 Discovering a molecule that absorbs photonic light and creating hydrogen from the chemical reaction is a good step forward. Among all renewable sources of energy, solar rays are the most accessible except the technology to tear hydrogen from photons needs to be perfected. Except for the use of expensive rhodium as a catalyst need a cheaper alternative, but science never stops.

 Read: Harnessing the Entire Spectrum of Sunlight to Make Solar Energy More Efficient