Animal cruelty has gone too far as a lion cub's hind legs were deliberately broken by prosecutors so it could not escape while being forced to pose on Russian beaches for photos with visitors and tourists.
The Russian President, Vladimir Putin, was enraged when he learned about the poor cub that he personally arranged a criminal investigation to look into Simba's case. Daily Mail reports that the cub was only a few weeks old when he was abducted from his mother and taken into captivity as a "mascot" for people to take pictures with.
The Kremlin leader vowed to get law enforcement to act against the animal's torturers and other parties involved in the cruel act. Karen Dallakyan, the vet who took care of Simba, reported that a criminal investigation is now in motion.
Lion Cub Faces Animal Cruelty
Animal cruelty has reached a whole other level with how people treated Simba. According to PETA, studies have shown that violent and aggressive behavior towards animals is more likely because the torturers have abused animals as children.
After being taken advantage of last summer, Simba's capturers broke his legs to keep him from running away for the photoshoots as he grew bigger and older. Locals told the news that his health quickly deteriorated as he was 'tortured and beaten'. According to local reports, the cub suffered severe injuries to his spine that left him close to the brink of death.
After all the cruelty, the animal was dumped and left starving in a dirty, cold barn in the region of Dagestan. Medics say he was restrained and unable to move when they found him. An upsetting video shows before and after footage of how the lion cub limps in pain with his injuries and how he tries to walk after his life-saving surgery.
According to Yulia Ageeva, the leader of the rescue mission, Simba appeared as if he was not fed at all. More disturbingly, it seemed like frost water had continuously been dumped on the poor animal as a form of mockery or punishment.
After the rescue, medics flew the cub over to Dallakyan, who said it was a miracle that the cub was alive.
Simba's Road to Recovery
Aside from his obviously deformed hind legs, the vet claims that Simba also suffered from intestinal obstructions, pressure sores, and muscle wasting to his back limbs. Dallakyan says the cub suffered an 'ocean of pain' from the hands of humans.
The video shows Simba's condition after surgery as he clumsily stumbles forward while learning how to walk. The cub was being coached and encouraged by a trainer who gently guided his hind legs.
Sporting a shaved coat, the footage shows Simba staggering outside and plodding around as he learns how to reuse his legs. At one point, the limping lion even succeeds to break into a gentle jog.
Deeper into the footage, the transition becomes apparent as the cub clearly seems healthier with his luscious coat regrown. He then snuggles up to his giant teddy bear in his cage and seems to be happy in his new home.
His trainers say that although Simba's life was saved, he has been left with permanent deformities. Even still, many are still amazed by his recovery, saying that the cub had been lucky to be alive despite having endured the cruelty brought upon him.