In California, county officials have reported 6,000 new cases on Monday, with 30% of cases in Los Angeles County alone. They are expecting that transmission rates will continue to increase as businesses are still reopening and people are resuming their pre-pandemic schedules.
L.A. County Public Health Director Dr. Barbara Ferrer said that although it is impossible to track how the infection has spread and pinpoint its origin, she said that most likely, the spike in cases is due to the mass protests over George Floyd and Black Lives Matter, as well as gatherings in restaurants and private parties.
In San Francisco, Mayor London Breed and Health Director Dr. Grant Colfax announced their phase two in reopening by July. With safety protocols, services such as barbershops, salons, tattoo parlors, museums, and zoos will slowly reopen.
Breed said that his county's 'COVID-19 health indicators are in a good place,' due to proper physical distancing, wearing face masks, and other health requirements practiced in public. As businesses and residents have suffered financially due to the lockdown, they are making efforts to allow people to go back to work safely.
California’s former governors agree - keeping California healthy isn’t a partisan issue!
Wear face coverings when you are out in public and unable to keep your distance. #YourActionsSaveLives — Office of the Governor of California (@CAgovernor) June 23, 2020
Moving Forward
In Riverside County, they reported 4,000 new cases in just two weeks. Despite Governor Gavin Newsom's hesitation to ease lockdown, the county voted for the approval of their 'Readiness and Reopening Framework,' with new guidelines for reopening in the county. Because of this, officials will be selecting 3,500 individuals in Riverside for an antibody study to help with reopening plans.
#COVID19 can spread up to 26 feet if you sneeze. 6 feet if you cough. 4.5 feet if you exhale. Please. WEAR YOUR MASK.#YourActionsSaveLives — Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) June 23, 2020
'We are asking those who are contacted to strongly consider taking part in the study," said Kim Saruwatari, the county's public health director. "It's important to know the extent of the spread of the virus (and how many) have developed antibodies.' The officials need this information so that the county may move forward.
Newsom expressed that they have 'always prepared for a surge.' He also said that they are prepared to 'reverse course' if the case counts continue to rise, meaning that if necessary, they will re-enter lockdown.
Reopening Safety Protocols
Newsom has also urged the public to report businesses and restaurants who fail to meet safety protocols, especially as wearing a face covering has become a statewide mandate. 'When you go to a restaurant and it's clear that they're not practicing what we are preaching, report them. Give us the tools to enforce,' he said.
In Los Angeles, officials reported that almost 1,000 restaurants failed to practice safety regulations such as physical distancing, with tables arranged too closely with one another. They have also estimated that one out of every 400 residents is asymptomatic. 'Angelenos over the course of a typical day are likely going to interact with individuals who are infectious,' said L.A. Director of Health Services, Christina Ghaly.
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