When a person is pregnant or growing, stretch marks are inevitable. Also known as Striae, it is a form of skin scarring or the tearing of the dermis resulting from the body's rapid growth. They could diminish over time, but will never completely disappear.

Every so often, stretch marks are not a sign of alarm, but there could be times when they could signal either of these two worrying medical conditions: pelvic disorder or breast cancer.

READ ALSO: Stretch Marks: How You Get Them and How to Get Rid of Them

Pelvic Prolapse

According to a new study, women who have stretch marks on their body are three times more likely to have a pelvic disorder known as pelvic prolapse.

Pelvic prolapse is the weakening of the web muscles at the base of the pelvis, an important muscle that holds the pelvic organs in places, such as the uterus and the bladder.

A person suffering from this disorder may experience pain, loss of bladder control, or in other cases, it could lead to organs falling down their places in the body.

Researchers noted that a compromised ability to produce connective tissue might explain the connection they found between the skin and pelvic disorders. Additionally, the scars left during the disruption while pregnant, undergoing puberty, or significant weight gain can cause stretch marks that typically appear as colored lines in areas where fat is stored, like thighs and abdomen.

While many people see this as a mere cosmetic problem, something that is to be ashamed of, health experts now say that these stretch marks could mean something more serious underlying health problem.

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Breast Cancer

Stretch marks are not the typical sign of cancer. So, imagine the disbelief of a 42-year-old mother named Demelza Jefferis when the doctor told her that the small dent on her breast, which she initially thought was a stretch mark, was, in fact, a sign that she has breast cancer.

Mrs. Jefferis first noticed the mark on her cleavage while she was getting out of the shower. She said that she thought it was just another stretch mark and did not bother dwelling too much on it.

But over time, she got curious as she noticed that the mark only appears when she raises her arm and realizes that it was a small dent.

It was then when she decided to consult her doctor, and she was told to undergo a series of tests. The medical experts first removed a couple of lymph nodes from her armpit and had it tested.

Her doctor remarked that Mrs. Jefferies was lucky that she had caught it early. She completed her treatment after two weeks of radiotherapy and is now advising other women to be observant of their bodies for any strange marks or dents.

No Remedy for Stretch Marks to Disappear

Unfortunately, there are no known natural remedies to improve stretch marks except for some essential oils that can improve the skin texture, says skin expert Nicole Zysk.

Though stretch marks slowly fade over time, there are still some that can even look more visible depending on the person's skin elasticity. A person can undergo skin treatments that involve various techniques in making stretch marks firmer to improve overall texture.

"It will also improve new life to damaged tissue by creating new collagen, new cells, and melanin, which are all responsible for the color and the skin's natural pigmentation to come back," Zysk said.

It is advisable to consult a doctor for any new marks or imperfections, dents, or stretch marks in the skin to know its cause and avoid severe possible health conditions.

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