The first thing one thinks about when hearing the term Artificial Intelligence (AI) is human-like, walking, talking robots, and in reality, yes that is part of what Artificial Intelligence is. What people don't realise is that AI has been part of our ordinary lives and that one might have been incontact with AI more times than not.
Artificial Intelligence is not some idea some smart person will invent in future, they are living amongst us, chatting to us, collecting our data and making decisions. Doing everything that it is programmed to do in a smarter, more efficient, more cost effective way. AI is on our doorstep made possible by leading companies like Amazon, IBM, SenSat and SnatchBot.
What is AI?
Artificial Intelligence is the reproduction of human intelligence processed by machines. It is mostly used in computer systems. Humans use natural intelligence to act, AI is the replication of that natural intelligence through programming it into machines. It is also described as any device that recognises its environment and acts in a way that amplifies its chance of successfully reaching its programmed goal. AI is programmed through data and algorithms, the more data there is to gather and examine the more the machine can predict through put together algorithms.
How is AI changing the ordinary world?
AI has been used in machines and systems for the past few years. People may not even have known that they have been in close contact with an artificial intelligent system. Most commonly AI is used in computer and console gaming, where computers have won humans through predicting their gameplay. Popular AI's are Iphones Siri, Androids Alexa and Google Assistance. AI has been used in industries like Agriculture and Farming, self driving cars, logistics, retail and beauty and chatbots.
AI, virtual assistants and chatbots
AI has changed a lot of things for a lot of people, one of the most influenced by AI is the business word. The way companies can run their businesses has been revolutionised through artificial intelligence. AI is the result of automation of systems bringing efficiency and great performance. The way companies run their back end and client interactions has improved greatly. You can install a virtual AI assistant that captures and analyses data at an astounding speed.
One of the systems that has changed the game is chatbots. Chatbots are AI systems that can keep a conversation with a person through messaging. For example, companies can give the system the data, which can be frequently asked questions and the answers. With all the data given to the AI it can answer questions costumes ask as if it were a human.
Normally to implement a chatbot would take in depth knowledge of development and coding. We won't even mention the cost involved in either employing a profession or hiring a company to do the installation and implementation.
One company has changed the industry immensely. SnatchBot is a company that provides not only companies, but individual people with a chatbot solution that is easily set up and affordable.
Snatchbot has brought chatbot technology even closer to their customers in providing an efficient, easily set up, human like and quirky. They provide their customers with a wide variety of options to choose from. The best part is as a busy business owner, one does not have to sit through long consultations to set it up. One can simply go to the Snatchbot website, click on the Bot Store options and start building one's own chatbot best suited for the business.
Snatchbot has many templates available for different types of companies and uses. They offer templates for a customer support bot, marketing, playlist bot, quiz education, healthcare and beauty, you name it they have it.
Should the company need more information or are unsure of what is the best solution, one could reach out to their own chatbot on their website that will be able to answer all questions, or speak to them directly for advice.
Prices and solutions are displayed on Snatchbots website and one could easily choose which option is best and most suited for one's pocket.
How does it work?
One can simply go to the Snatchbot website, click on the Bot Store options and start building one's own chatbot best suited for the business. Snatchbot has many templates available for different types of companies and uses. They offer templates for a customer support bot, marketing, playlist bot, quiz education, healthcare and beauty. Prices and solutions are displayed on Snatchbots website and one could easily choose which option best for the business as well as within budget. You name it they have it. Snatchbot can even be linked to their chat app called SnatchApp
Snatchbot and SnatchApp
SnatchApp and Snatchbot are products developed by Isreali brothers Avi and Henri Benezra. They have revolutionized the chat app world by being able to link your chat bot to your chat app. The Benezra brothers have seen that more and more work is being done over chat apps. It is an easy, affordable way for companies to have personal interactions with their clients. Not to mention the convenience it has for the clients.
The client would have a personal connection with the business and around the clock information of the business and their products or services at their disposal. A client would not have to go onto the company's website (and if they did another chatbot would be waiting) they can just conveniently go onto their chat app and start chatting away with the bot.
Is it safe for a company to use a chatbot on a chat app?
Yes, it is safe, especially when using SnatchApp and SnatchBot. SnatchApp is one of the safest chat apps currently in the market. Messaging has multi-layering of end-to-end encryption making it impossible for any third party to access the messages being sent over the chat app. Not even SnatchApp keeps a copy of the messages so none of their systems can be infiltrated for information shared on the chat app. The encryption uses a combination of 2048-bit RSA encryption, 256-bit-symmetric AES encryption and secure key exchanges for every chat, either with an individual or a chatbot.
This secure app gives businesses the piece of mind that whatever data is collected over the chat apps are safe and that any important information the bot is giving to clients are secured from unwanted third parties.
This safety on a chat app has never been seen before and a forerunner in the field of chat apps and chatbots.
The benefits it has for companies?
AI is fast and efficient, having AI running the back end of a company means that apmle data can be collected, organised and analysed in a fraction of the time it would take for any human to do. The information companies can gather through AI is incredible, making decision making and future panning so much easier. The efficiency of the machine limits the likelihood of mistakes or incorrect information. With all this information at a businesses disposal, the AI can even pick up buying habits of clients and contact those prospects.
A chatbot is personal contact with each client, around the clock interaction making it such an effective way of answering clients questions and giving them information immediately. No more emailing, no more phone calls - real time chat with your customer. It elevates the customer's experience of the company and the product.
A very important benefit AI has offered businesses is the detection of irregularities like spam and payment fraud and alert in real time. The chatbot can while chatting to the client detect whether or not this is a real person, making it even more safe for businesses conducting transactions and giving information over the internet.
Even though people may think that AI is expensive, companies like Snatchbot has shown us that implementing AI in a company actually saves a lot of time. And as the saying goes time is money, so saving time is saving money. AI is affordable and easily accessible through leading companies like SnatchBot.
What else does SnatchBot offer?
SnatchBot not only offers the chatbot and their sister product the chat app SnatchApp that we have mentioned. They also offer AI solutions like robotic processing and automation. This feature helps companies run their back ends through AI. The bot can fill in forms, source, organise and analyse data. The bot can copy and paste, move, read and write files and folders. It can log into web applications, open emails and attachments, make calculations and connect to API systems. The bot can scrape data from the web, extract data from documents and collect data and statistics from social media.
Artificial Intelligence is already such a big part of our lives. We have spoken to them over a call, chatted to them and they have even collected our data and analysed it. This revolution of technology is not out of reach for any company. You can implement an AI system fast and efficiently through leading companies like SnatchBot. Soon enough this technology will be in every company, its best to get ahead.
To try out the most appropriate version of Snatch App for your device, select one of these options:
Snatch App Web: https://snatchapp.me/en/
iOS version: https://apps.apple.com/app/snatch-app/id1225178149
Android Version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Snatch App
Windows Dekstop: https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/p/Snatch App/9nblggh526j6?cid=msft_web_chart&rtc=1&activetab=pivot:overviewtab