If there's anything that entrepreneur Kamil Sattar has learned so far in this life, it's that people have to trust their own instincts and go for what they want. By the age of 21, this British e-commerce entrepreneur had founded more than three businesses with a combined sales revenue of six figures a year and is now mentoring other business owners to help grow their revenue. He did so despite struggling with his mental health and self-doubt and facing a lack of support from those around him. His success story is a lesson in perseverance, tenacity, and trusting in oneself in the face of hardships that would drag one down.
It all started with high-end designer clothes. While in his teens, Kamil wanted those clothes for himself, but their price tags were an issue. So in 2015, he decided to create an Instagram page and a website to start a high-end reselling business, as he knew some of the best places to get brands like Christian Louboutin, Balenciaga, and Giuseppe Zanotti for cheaper.
After only a few months, Mr. Sattar's business grew to the point where he was selling high-end sneakers to footballers and celebrities. "I was forced to think of ways to accumulate enough money to buy the shoes, shirts, and pants that I so badly wanted. When my business started to flourish, I knew that I was onto something. However, I realized that this business model was not scalable," he said. This realization led to his next big move. Using the earnings from that venture, Kamil decided to set up a drop-shipping business on Shopify, and so the Ecom King started building his empire.
Kamil managed to do all of this at the age of 21, despite his troubled background and personal obstacles. His mom is originally from Pakistan and his dad was born into a poor English-Pakistani family. In his youth he got mixed in with the wrong crowd, got involved in crime and fights, and eventually got kicked out of school. "My teachers and fellow students said that I would amount to nothing," he added.
After getting kicked out of school, he went to college but got into multiple fights again, due racial discrimination. Ultimately, he decided to quit college in his second year. "This is when I met my beautiful partner; she believed in me when no one else did. I eventually got a job in retail, but I was depressed and I felt trapped in a system that had failed me," Kamil recalled. During this time, he was also busy trying to get his e-commerce businesses off the ground, while dealing with a lot of negativity in his life.
His friends and family didn't believe in his vision for himself, and kept telling him that he didn't know what he was doing and wouldn't succeed. But eventually he realized that none of them owned any businesses themselves, so what do they know? That's why Kamil believes so strongly in mentorship and people following the advice of those in whose footsteps they (more or less) want to follow. This has led to him opening a business that specializes in helping people create drop-ship companies of their own.
He isn't taking the regular "guru" route, though. Kamil wants to change the e-commerce world, which is full of overpriced courses that are poor in quality. His plan is to release free courses every year to put the gurus selling paid courses out of business and give everyone a fair chance in e-commerce without paying thousands of dollars for a course. He's already started with three free courses that have gone viral and have helped students grow their businesses to the point of generating six-figures in sales of their own.
If you'd like to learn more about Kamil's teachings or would just like to see what he's up to, you can visit his website or take a look at his Instagram account, @Kamilsattarofficial.