It's important to understand and to be aware of mindset of the narcissistic so you can detect his manipulations Techniques. In the mind of a narcissist, He will try to get his needs, even the selfish ones, by all means possible " the end justifies the means is their motto in life" Those means in relationships are called "Emotional manipulative tactics".
3 Famous Emotional Manipulative Tactics Usually Used By Narcissists in Relationships
1. Intermittent Reinforcement.
-After he started a relationship with you, he wants you to be caged in the "Standby box" , where he feels safe even after he leaves You that he can come back any time , knowing that you are waiting for him.
- He might leave with a vague statement like " I Need a Break, I Need Space, I am confused & my life is hectic, I Don't know what's wrong with me " then as time passes by, he intermittently reinforces the fact that you are still in his life with a direct message in Instagram or a romantic song in what's app or quick 10 minutes call.
-The thing is he wants you to be stuck wondering & waiting that he might still have feelings for, while he is living his life to the fullest with maybe a new causal relationship.
-He might just give you a quick call every now & then, acting as if he misses you. But the truth is he doesn't want to put any kind of effort into this relationship. He just doesn't want to lose the fact that there is someone who loves him waiting out there, which makes him feels safe, secure & brings him this euphoria of being wanted.
2. Marriage Hints.
- During a committed relationship, if he knows that your aim is marriage & he is satisfied with being in a relationship , he will throw hints that signify that one day he will be married from you , not because he actually wants to do it , but to convince you subconsciously not to leave him.
-The thing is he can't be clear with his intentions, he just doesn't want to lose you but he doesn't want to get married. He knows for sure that if he utters his truth, you might just leave cause you have clarity with what kind of relationship satisfies you.
Examples of These Hints:
- You got married, where would you choose to go for as your honeymoon?
- Would your family be ok with having someone from my ethnic group marrying their daughter?
- Would you accept me as your husband if I proposed one day?
- My family are pressuring me to get married as my parents can't wait to see my kids.
- Notice that he is just hinting that it might happen, to convince the partner subconsciously that he might propose one day, which would raise the partner's expectation & keeping him hanging.
3. Love Bombing :
- Unreasonable exaggerated expressions of love that are not backed by actions.
-Sending poems & love quotes , repeating the L Word "I Love You" , trying to make you feel very special " I Never thought that I Would meet someone like you " .
-He might sound real, sincere & honest with his feelings, as this kind of manipulation can be conscious or subconscious.
- Real love needs time, A Whole lot of Actions, & Effort to grow but that isn't something a narcissist would want to offer.
The aim of this tactic is to convince you that he loves you, waiting for you to develop feelings for him , & once you announce how much he means to you , then everything might change .
- Remember, one of the major ways to recognize a narcissist is by focusing on the real life actions he does, not what he says as he can be a master manipulator with words.
Rosenberg, R. A. (2013). The human magnet syndrome: Why we love people who hurt us. PESI Publishing & Media.
Author Bio :
Dr. Yousef Khaled Fuad Hasan
Medical doctor
CPD Certified in Psychoanalysis
Instagram: dr_yosefalhasany
YouTube: dr_yosefAlhasany