Whenever there are mysterious flying objects or lights in the sky, the most likely explanation people would believe is that it is from an alien. But until now, there is still no concrete evidence that aliens may have visited Earth just yet.
Recently, residents in Montana were treated with a light show in the night sky and some people have even caught a video of it.
Where could these lights come from and what do they mean? Do aliens really exist or is the military has something to do with it?

Lights Spotted in the Sky
According to a report by 3KRTV, residents in Montana saw something peculiar up in the sky on Saturday night.
In a video sent by Montana-resident Kara Basxler, she said that she and her husband were looking up in the sky when they noticed these mysterious lights lining up above the night sky.
The lights started disappearing, then reappear again. According to Kara, this event happened at around 8 pm for a few minutes, in the western part of Montana near Kelly Island (near Missoula).
Since she does not believe in aliens, Kara thought that the lights were from some military training. Well, her guess is close enough to the real cause of those mysterious lights.
Starlink Satellites
The mysterious lights that Kara and her husband saw last Saturday night were in fact the small satellites passing overhead that was launched by SpaceX.
"SpaceX is developing a low latency, broadband internet system to meet the needs of consumers across the globe. Enabled by a constellation of low Earth orbit satellites, Starlink will provide fast, reliable internet to populations with little or no connectivity, including those in rural communities and places where existing services are too expensive or unreliable," SpaceX explains.
But the event recorded last Saturday night was not the first time that a string of Starlink satellites was seen over Montana and raised eyebrows.
Last year in December, people around Browning, Rocky Boy, and Lodgepole also reported similar experiences. They shared photos with the MTN News which showed a row of lights in the night sky, and more people in Montana have reported the same thing.
According to meteorologist John Belski of the TV station WLKY, SpaceX has just launched two sets of Starlink satellites that comprise 60 small satellites each that were launched to low-Earth orbit at an altitude of more than 300 miles.
Meteorologist Will Hainme of station WWMT, also reported that the bright dots spotted in the sky are satellites, that are approximately 175 miles above the surface of the Earth.
These satellites look bright as viewed from Earth because of their solar array reflecting sunlight back to the dark side of the world, Hainme added.
Check out more news and information on Starlink on Science Times.