Moving to a new city can be exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. Whether you have moved to a new country or just to another city, leaving your home, family, friends, and all your familiar haunts behind can be quite overwhelming. However, with the right tools and attitude, it is not that difficult to settle in a new city. Almost everyone does, eventually.
Here are some tips that will help you quickly find your footing in a new city.
Begin with the Basics: Unpack ASAP
Do everything in your power to make sure that your move happens as smoothly and as uneventfully as possible. The sooner you have your stuff unpacked and your new apartment or house set up, the sooner it will start feeling like "home." Relocating to a new city is hectic enough as it is, so make sure you hire reliable movers who can be trusted to deliver your things on time without mishaps. Unpacking your belongings and setting up essential spaces like your office, bedroom and kitchen, can give you a much needed sense of normalcy.
Download local apps on your mobile
In addition to Google Maps, there are many apps that may help you learn the ropes of the new city. From food delivery to on-demand grocery delivery, from ride sharing to public transit info, chances are that there is a mobile app that will help you. Do your research and figure out which mobile apps are popular in your new city.
Say "yes" to (almost) everything
Be it a potluck at the neighbourhood or happy hour after work with co-workers, just say "yes" to any opportunity presented to you when you first move to a city. Be open to meeting new people and having new experiences. Take up every opportunity that may potentially allow you to meet new people or go to new places. This will help expand your network of friends and allow you to explore your new city.
Locate the closest essential services
As soon as you have unpacked, or even while you are in the process unpacking, you should start exploring your vicinity to find stores that are your essential needs. Locate the nearest pharmacy, gas station, grocery store, and hospital. Depending on your hobbies and lifestyle, you might also want to find the nearest gym, library, craft store, and coffee shop.
It takes around three months to feel comfortable in a new place. That is the amount of time it takes usually to figure out the best coffee shop and take-out options and understand the workings of the local public transportation system. However, for a city to truly start feeling like home, you have to live in the place for a whole year and experience summer, autumn, winter and spring and learn what to expect in each season. Settling in can be frustrating, but if you treat it like an adventure, where you learn as you go along, you might be able to cope better.