2020 has given rise to some unique challenges for the healthcare industry. With social distancing and lockdown policies in place, patient care as we knew it had to adapt to the limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Telehealth has proven to be a reliable alternative to traditional medicine and it has become the go-to solution for patient monitoring and non-interventional care.
The Need For Telehealth
During the COVID-19 pandemic, an enormous number of people have sought medical advice to find out whether or not they were infected with the virus. Those who were confirmed COVID-positive, but did not have advanced symptoms, had to be monitored closely by doctors while being isolated at home.
Additionally, millions of patients suffering from non-COVID-19 illnesses found themselves wondering whether it is safe or not to go to the hospital during the pandemic. Even so, the hospitals were flooded with patients, and reducing the load quickly became a priority, as more and more hospitals became COVID-19 treatment centers.
This is where telehealth came in. By connecting patients with their doctors virtually, the risk of spreading the virus was significantly reduced and both patients and doctors were given a safe alternative to traditional visits.
Telehealth has proven to be extremely useful in aged care. Doctors have used video calls to connect with their patients in nursing homes and it has made a remarkable difference. In fact, this option has become extremely important for finding health insurance options for seniors because even 2020 is close to its end, the COVID pandemic is not.
Also, telehealth or digital clinics have been useful among patients facing embarrassing conditions. Some examples that people are usually embarrassed discussing face-to-face include gynecologic conditions, such as herpes, syphilis, and HIV/AIDS. Other embarrassing conditions some patients prefer to discuss privately online include hair loss, fungus, and psychological problems.
Telehealth Services
When it comes to telehealth services, different providers have varying offerings. For instance, 24-7Medcare Telehealth offers general practitioner (GP) and psychologist consultations.
Still, here are some offerings that are common among telehealth services:
- General consultations
- Routine chronic disease checkups
- Mental health services
- Prescriptions
- Issuing medical certificates
- Radiology and pathology requests
- Specialist referrals
Preparing For A Virtual Doctor Appointment
While useful, making the switch from in-person visits to video doctor appointments had proven to be challenging for many people, especially seniors, who have needed help with the technology involved. Even for tech-friendly adults, the experience has been awkward at first. Here are a few tips for patients who need to get prepared for virtual doctor visits:
1. Focus on the utility of telehealth
Coming to terms with the shift from in-person to virtual visits with your doctors is very important for the outcome of the treatment. Rest assured that even if the doctor is not there physically, he or she will be just as attentive and invested in your treatment. Establishing trust with your doctor is a crucial step, so focus on the breakthrough that telemedicine has been during the pandemic, rather than its limitations.
2. Make an appointment and prepare your device beforehand
Scheduling a virtual visit with your doctor follows roughly the same path as scheduling an in-patient visit. However, it may be easier to overlook the virtual one. Note it down in your calendar and make sure you plan some preparation time. Check your internet connection prior to the visit and make sure that your phone, laptop, or tablet has enough battery for the full duration of the appointment.
3. Privacy for your telehealth visit
This is an unexpected challenge of telehealth visits. Make sure you find a private place in your home for the appointment and check your device there beforehand. If you need to have a caregiver or an interpreter present, talk to your doctor before the visit about the information that you are not comfortable sharing during the visit.
4. Have your information ready
To maximize the efficiency of your video appointment with the doctor, you must have your information ready. Make a list of all the medications that you are currently taking. Include over-the-counter supplements and medicine you might be taking for other illnesses than that you are seeing the doctor about. Next, you should have a complete list of your symptoms. Thinking about it beforehand will save up a lot of time. Lastly, if your doctor has requested information like your temperature or your weight, make sure you have it ready for your virtual visit.
How To Choose A Telehealth Provider
Because of telehealth services, patient care delivery is faster and more convenient than before. But how do you choose the right provider? Take note that telehealth providers are not all the same. It's crucial to deal with a reputable provider with experience and genuine concern for patients.
Check some helpful ways to choose the right telehealth provider for you:
- Consult your current family doctor: If you want to retain the services of your family physician, inquire about their telehealth services.
- Inquire in the hospital: Hospitals usually have partner doctors who offer telehealth services. Your local community hospital might also have affiliated telemedicine platforms.
- Check their website: If you're looking for a new telehealth provider, compare at least three providers and check their websites to know their specific health services.
- Check Review Sites: Find out what patients are saying about a telemedicine platform by checking online reviews. Read positive and negative comments and verify the information by messaging the reviewer privately.
- Consider referrals: Your relatives and friends might be using telehealth services. So, it pays off asking them if they can recommend someone, especially if you need a specialist.
The rise of telehealth in 2020 has been astonishing and it has given millions of patients the care they needed during these difficult times. Beyond any doubt, virtual doctor visits will continue to be an important part of healthcare in 2021 as well and even further, as it has proven to be extremely convenient in numerous situations.