How to Practice Healthy Eating Habits Amidst the Pandemic
(Photo : How to Practice Healthy Eating Habits Amidst the Pandemic)

The COVID-19 pandemic became the catalyst for many of us to pay attention to our health and protect ourselves from the deadly virus. Unfortunately, this year has also proved that we do not have complete control over everything in health. Many of us are fortunate enough to have one important aspect of our lives: what we eat. 

A healthy diet is critical to our overall health and immune systems. The foods we eat have a direct impact on how we feel and how our bodies function. 

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins and minerals, and fiber, which is essential for a healthy diet. Frozen or canned fruits and vegetables that have been minimally processed are an excellent option for limiting your trips to the market or supermarket. However, pay close attention to the ingredients. Sugar, salt, and preservatives are sometimes added during the canning and processing of all these products. 

Practice good food hygiene.

Throughout this time of the pandemic, all forms of hygiene are especially important. However, keep in mind that COVID-19 is a respiratory virus. It isn't a food-borne illness. However, practicing food hygiene and safety is always essential. 

Keep the following five suggestions in mind: (1) keep your hands, cooking surfaces, and cooking utensils clean; (2) keep raw and cooked foods separate; (3) cook thoroughly; (4) keep food at safe temperatures; and (5) use safe water.

Build up a stock of healthy snacks

We frequently have a snack or two throughout the day to keep us going. However, rather than having sweets and salty snacks, choose healthier alternatives such as cheese, nuts, yogurt (preferably unsweetened), boiled eggs, sliced or dried fruits, or other available locally healthy options. These foods are more nutritious, filling, and aid in the development of lifelong healthy eating habits.

Drink water instead of sugary drinks.

Drinking water can help you avoid consuming unnecessary calories from sugary beverages. The consumption of soda, energy drinks, and sports drinks accounts for a significant portion of added calories and sugar in diets. Instead, add a slice of lemon, apple, or fresh herbs such as mint or basil to your water to make it more flavorful.

Take the pulse of the situation, be wholesome.

Pulses, whole grains, nuts, and healthy fats like olive, sesame, peanut, or other unsaturated oils can help your immune system reduce inflammation. Pulses, in particular, are both environmentally friendly and a low-cost source of protein. 

In addition, beans, peas, lupins, and other pulses are high in vitamins and minerals that can help minimize the incidence of diseases such as diabetes and coronary heart disease when combined with a healthy diet. Must-try the best greens powders (2021 updated) that have certain ingredients linked to a stronger immune system. 

Do not skip breakfast.

Some people choose to skip breakfast, seeing as they believe it will aid in their weight loss efforts.However, a healthy breakfast that is high in fiber and low in fat, sugar, and salt can be included as part of a well-balanced diet and can assist you in getting the nutrients you really need in good health in the morning.

The combination of wholegrain, lower-sugar cereal with semi-skimmed milk, and fruit slices on top makes for a delicious and healthier breakfast.

Limit fats, sugar, and salt.

Many people are turning to comfort food when they are under a lot of stress. Unfortunately, these are frequently high in fat, sugar, salt, and calories, which, when combined with an unbalanced diet, can have a negative impact on your overall health over time. 

It's also a must to check the labels of all the packed foods you buy to know about their ingredients and nutritional value. Food labels are intended to help you reduce the number of harmful ingredients while increasing the number of beneficial ones. 

Make cooking and eating fun and meaningful part of your family routine

Cooking and eating together as a family is a great way to instill healthy habits, strengthen family ties, and enjoy time together. Involve your children in food preparation whenever possible, and also, they can assist with washing or arranging food items. In contrast, older children can start taking on more complex tasks and assist with table setting.

As a family, try to stick to set meal times as much as possible. Structures and routines like these can help children in stressful situations feel less anxious.

To Conclude

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted people's daily lives all over the world, causing stress, illness, and pain for many. Therefore, it is even more essential to maintain a good lifestyle in the midst of these difficulties and changes. 

In order to protect yourself and others from COVID-19 infection and transmission, we must all adhere to regulatory requirements and Health Organization recommendations. Even with the implementation of a vaccine, such rules remain critical in helping to curtail the spread of the virus. But, equally important, we have to take care of ourselves, and eating a healthy diet is one great way to do so.