We all want to have our privacy protected. We all want to have a private life. Technology, like they say, is a double edged sword. Through it problems are created and through it problems are solved. Think of yourself in a living room in the third or fourth floor of an apartment. Then suddenly a drone flies by and before you make your way to pull back the curtains, the drone has already captured images of your furnished room with everything in it. You might not realize it but the truth of the matter is your privacy has been infringed. While drones are a great invention in the filming world, they can be a great pain in matters of privacy. Having this in mind, Cyborg Unplug has designed a device that protects your privacy by keeping off any unwanted surveillance device in your network.

According to The Daily Dot the device can scan any wireless signal on your network coming from different devices. If it detects any unauthorized surveillance device in your network, it shuts down its capacity to record video and audio and any other information that the device is capturing.

Cyborg Unplug counters any malicious technology that aims to have unsolicited access to your privacy. For variety, Cyborg Unplug comes in two modes. The territory mode allows the device to directly connect to your network and blacklists any device that you don't approve of. In fact it boots off any device that tries to connect to your network without your consent. Samim Winiger of Cyborg Unplug recommends this mode for home networks and open places like schools or businesses.

The second mode is the All Out mode. According to a demonstration done on YouTube by Winiger, this mode inactivates any wireless surveillance device within the range of Cyborg Unplug on any network. While this might be illegal in some areas, the device shuts down wireless surveillance in both modes by sending deaunthentication packets to the "malicious" device.

While many believe that Cyborg Unplug is a great invention, there are concerns that the All Out mode violates U.S law. Do you think Cyborg Unplug violates any law with its All Out mode?