It's been a long time since earth came into existence, and naturally, there are a lot of changes that occurred during the course of time. Plant growth, apparently, is no exception. But the recent studies show that the pattern following which plants grow in the whole year is changing.

A report that was published in Nature Climate Change stated that the plants are changing their behavior in reaction to recent climate changes, with some doing so in just the past 30 years! A satellite was used as a source of information in order to collect the data of vegetation from the past three decades. When they were compared to each other year by year, the results were stunning. The researchers utilized 21 different points from all across the globe where vegetation occurred. They examined the whole year of plant life including its growth times as well as the times when its leaves were falling.

The study from year 1981 to 2012 displayed some extraordinary results which no one was really expecting. About 95% of the whole Earth was exhibiting this change in pattern. No one could have ever thought that in three decades, 95% of the whole planet's growth pattern will be effected. In Northern Hemisphere, the months when plants grew more were increasing at a steady pace. On the other hand, in Southern Hemisphere, the growth of plants was weakening day by day. This means that the Northern Hemisphere is having increased months when plants grew while the opposite was true in the Southern Hemisphere.

The pattern change has not stopped and it appears it will not be slowing down either. Scientists are researching more and more on this issue to make this pattern predictable and to make the growth of plants stable, but the only question is, will they be able to do so in time?