The Institute of Navigation (ION) presented John Fischer, vice president of advanced research and development for Orolia, with the prestigious Distinguished PTTI Service Award during the ION ITM/PTTI 2022 Meeting on January 27 in Long Beach, Calif. The international organization recognized Fischer's pioneering research, patents, and leadership that pushed the boundaries of improving time and frequency solutions; and his prominent role in increasing global awareness of positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) technology.

"John is not only a leader and communicator but a significant inventor and innovator in the PNT community with patents for timing and positioning systems," said Gregory M. Gutt, president and chief technology officer for Satelles. "John's contributions to the development of Orolia's SecureSync has revolutionized how secure PNT is delivered and produced as the leading product for data center applications worldwide."
John Fischer has made significant contributions to the GNSS time synchronization technology landscape including a method for sub-nanosecond time synchronizing using RTK receivers. He also led the development of Orolia's successful first-generation GNSS simulators, the GSG-5/6 to make this technology accessible and affordable.
"John is an outstanding speaker who engages his audiences directly and creates a high level of interest on topics that are somewhat complicated," said Jim McCarthy, senior security engineer with the National Institute of Standards and Technology. "John is highly knowledgeable in his field and his level of expertise on the technical subject matter is well known throughout the industry."
Fischer is a member of the Open PNT Alliance and GPS World Magazine Editorial Advisory Board. He earned a master's degree in Electrical Engineering and Computing Engineering from the State University of New York at Buffalo.
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