With the phenomenal success of "The Imitation Game", came appreciation and a subtle understanding about the complexities and apprehensions that every genius had to face. While Alan Turing was the pioneer of artificial intelligence, his ground breaking work's acknowledgement was often suppressed and ignored due to parochialism towards sexual norms and customs. With increased understanding in this aspect, Turing has been lifted to renewed heights in light of the inspirational work he started.

Alan Turing's unbelievable success in breaking the invincible Nazi "Enigma" codings machine helped British conclude the second World War early and started the era of unprecedented developments in computer and cyber technology. With the advent of the 21st century, the arena of cyber-attacks has gained new dimensions with potential downfalls of governments, large organizations and multimillion security threats such as those recently witnessed in the Sony hack of 2014.

With that in mind, the UK Intelligence and Security Committee intends to find the next Alan Turing of the century who can help prevent the threat of increasingly harmful cyber-attacks.  The agency intends to run a course in the summer of 2015 to identify new geniuses who can be tomorrow's potential Alan Turings. It is believed that they will have to go through a similar test as was taken by Alan Turing during the recruitment of his team of codebreakers, as presented in The Imitation Game. The idea is to recruit people who have advanced coding skills in one or two languages and they will be then trained to perfection. The recruits will then undergo intensive training for 10 weeks in multiple areas such as ethical hacking, advance mobile technologies; giving them a feel of exclusive codebreakers.

UK intends to develop a small highly effective army of cyber-attack defenders who will protect against terrorists, hackers, miscreants, fraudsters, criminals and gangsters. Whether the proposed program will be able to churn out new Alan Turing cannot established yet but it sure is a nice step in the right direction.