Robots and artificial intelligence (AI) were first conceptualized in the 1950s. However, the limitations in AI software and data did not allow for a crossover between the two not until decades later. Today, faster processors, new algorithms, and big data have enabled scientists to upgrade robots with AI and liberate them from the factory floor.
Aside from the possibility that robots might take over humans' jobs, there is also a potential that AI and robots would influence human emotions as they become more realistic each year. Here's what it would mean for humans and robots.

Meet Replika: The Customizable AI That Interacts As A Friend or Conversation Partner
The book titled "Relationships 5.0: How AI, VR, and Robots Will Reshape Our Emotional Lives'' by Elyakim Kislev tells how lifestyle reporter Eugenia Kuyda developed a special relationship with Roman Mazurenko and eventually created a chatbot version of the latter when he died.
She took all the data from their previous interaction, and together with her team, they used Google-based neural networks that resulted in a surprisingly human-like AI. The app is called Replika, which allowed Kuyda to text with the chatbot about past and future events that seemed to bring back Mazurenko alive, although not physically.
She would tell the digital Mazurenko about how she misses him and share with him the good news about her recent achievements at her company. But then some people knew about it and asked them to build a bot for them too.
According to Yahoo! News, some wanted a version of themselves or a loved one who passed away. Positive reactions encouraged Replika creators to create fictitious characters that accompany people. Now, Replika has become a companion chatbot app available in almost any operating system.
Kuyda said that one of its popular traits is that it is highly customizable from the gender, name, their looks, and users can even determine what type of relationship they have with this virtual character. They can choose friendship, mentorship, romantic relationship, or the "see how it goes" option, which is what most users choose.
Forming Romantic Relationships With Robots
Apps like Replika are on their way to building relationships between humans and robots or AI. Tech giants have recognized the potential of voice assistants and poured billions into improving the technology.
More so, relationship coach and neuroscientist Bobbi Banks told Metro that robotic partners could become a reality in the not-so-distant future. He claims that forming romantic and sexual relationships with robots will become widespread by 2050 as the way humans experience love and connection is slowly changing.
Technology has become intertwined with the day-to-day lives of people and there is a significant rise in long-distance and online relationships. Bobbi believes having a person's needs met on demand could lead to higher levels of life dissatisfaction, but having a robotic partner could help.
On the other hand, relationship experts are worried about this trend as it pulls real human connections and relies more on digital versions. They argue that humans are losing the art of dealing with conflict in real life and the ability to deal with tricky scenarios with real human beings.
Check out more news and information on Artificial Intelligence in Science Times.