Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels
(Photo : olia danilevich from Pexels)

Working from home used to be a lot less common than it is today. However, the rapid increase in individuals who are working from home means that many haven't had the experience before and not many organizations are teaching effective WFH techniques and practices.

So what are the things that you should be thinking about to make working from home a long term and sustainable goal? Check out some tips from employers below who have experienced working from home or advising others who do!

Create a Designated WFH Space

One of the things that a lot of people were unprepared for during the pandemic was a need for a home office space. However, having a designated space to work from home does actually promote better productivity. It prevents you from being distracted from other people or pets in the home while also helping you establish boundaries.

"It's so easy to think 'oh, I'll just work from my bed or couch today - it's so much more comfortable," says Alex Chavarry, Managing Member of Cool Links. "However, doing this regularly can cause you to start associating work with your bedroom space which can actually have an affect on your sleep habits - and working in a common space of your house often provides more distractions. Instead, look at making your home office space more comfortable and inviting so you're less motivated to work from an unproductive location."

"It's a good idea to practice boundaries with work when you are working from home," says Karim Hachem, VP of eCommerce at Maxine of Hollywood. "It's already hard to feel like you're 'on' or 'off' the clock because you're in the same environment. Set boundaries so you can make it easier to leave your work tasks and thoughts when it's time to relax or spend time with family."

Find a Routine

When you're working from home it can be really hard to settle into a routine. This is especially true if you're working a job where you don't have to clock in or out at certain times. However, there are great ways to create a routine that not only increases productivity, but can help with the boundary setting mentioned in the last section.

"Use programs that can help you manage your time so you're not working more than you should," says Sean Doherty, GM Box at Box Genie. "It's easy to get sucked into a project or lose the motivation to work when you're not surrounded by coworkers. Find a calendar or set alarms on your phone to train yourself to follow a routine each day so this process becomes easier."

"One of the things a lot of people love about working from home is the flexibility, but you still have to know how to work in a few routines to your day," says Gia Marie Jurosky, Director of Communications at RoseSkinCo. "There may be some days where your 'work' times are more broken up throughout the day, but finding a way to create a routine even in a diverse schedule can help with productivity - even if that routine is simply taking the time to plan your week so you're not stressed about fitting everything in."

Learn Self-Management Tools

Self management tools can be super beneficial in a work from home setting. Remote work is a fantastic way to practice self discipline, but even the best independent workers need help with self-management sometimes. Look into time management and project management tools that can help you stay on track and prevent burnout.

"Working from home is great for people who want to be more independent in their scheduling, but it can make motivation and balance a little more difficult," says Phillip Akhzar, CEO of Arka. "Using project management tools can help you see what tasks you have to complete and when they're due so you can stick to your goals while working from home." 

"Learning how to be efficient while not pushing yourself too hard is one of the more delicate balances of a remote work career," says Sara Adam Slywka, Cofounder and CMO of Nestig. "Time management is often one of the biggest struggles people face working from home - which surprises a lot of people who transition to this workstyle. You may think that working from home would give you more time to yourself because you don't have to commute, but a lot of people have a tendency to overwhelm themselves by trying to fit too much into a day. Learn to manage your time wisely and remember that you only have 24 hours in a day."

Find Outlets for Social Time

Its no surprise that one of the biggest struggles of maintaining a work from home career is the need for social interaction but working without direct contact on a daily basis. This means that you may have to be a bit more creative in finding time to do social activities throughout your week.

"Intentionally seeking out social time is a huge part of making work from home sustainable," says Justin Soleimani, Co-Founder of Tumble. "If you're secluding yourself from the outside world, you're going to have a really hard time feeling satisfied with your lifestyle. It doesn't matter how introverted or extroverted you are, we all need more social interaction than a few video calls throughout the day."

"Look for hobbies, clubs, or other outlets that would allow you to interact with others on a regular basis," says Melissa Rhodes, CEO of Psychics1on1. "With so many people working from home, it seems like more of these groups are forming around the world. Explore what's available in your local area and see if there are any activities you could join in to meet new people and have some regular social interaction. If you're not a fan of the available activities, make it a priority to meet up with friends a few times per week for coffee or lunch."


Working from home can be a fantastic experience that allows for flexibility and more productivity for some  people, but there are definitely some factors that are different from working a traditional job. If these things aren't managed effectively, the remote work lifestyle may end up being short-lived.

Learn how to create boundaries and routine by setting up a designated space for working from your home. You can do this by utilizing time management tools and creating a space you want to spend time in during your work hours. 

Explore management tools to help yourself manage the workload you have to avoid burnout and make a more realistic weekly schedule so you're not stressed by the responsibility of keeping yourself on track.

Finally, you have to make social activities a priority. We're not meant to spend all of our time alone or within the walls of our home. Find places to go and people to meet by exploring activities in your area or scheduling regular meetups with friends so you're not isolated.

Hopefully these tips and tricks can help you create a more sustainable work from home lifestyle!