A gigantic sperm whale was recently spotted across a highway, and drivers along the road were weirded. The marine animal was found lying on a truck as it was carried throughout a section of the M62.
Sperm Whale Spotted Along M62

An unusual creature traveled along the M62 highway yesterday. The animal, identified as a massive sperm whale, was carried by a flatbed truck. Based on the witnesses, the whale measures about 12 meters in length.
Motorists along the M62 were concerned about why the sperm whale was being shipped through a bustling highway. Most people who saw the creature reported that the truck was spotted from Junction 38 and was near East Yorkshire's North Cave. The estimated hour of the sperm whale's appearance was around 3 PM British Time.
Nearby motorists captured the astounding scene in M62. After a few hours, the news blasted throughout social media platforms.
Thankfully, the team who orchestrated the bizarre event immediately cleared it.
The M62 sperm whale is a life-size replica of the animal. The imitation was created through an art project in Teesside's Redcar. The particular show was also presented in Cumbria's Whitehaven, Nature World News reports.
Watch out for sperm whales on the M62 #motorwhale 🐋 pic.twitter.com/PjsJMW72g8
— Tommy G (@tommygarb) May 31, 2022
A Belgian firm known as Captain Boomer Collective was responsible for developing the detailed whale model. The creative aims to fuel knowledge and trigger awareness about the current state of global issues through a series of imaginative approaches.
The sperm whale artwork scales to 12 meters and was purposely constructed with a pose similar to when we see the real animals 'beach' on coastal areas.
ALSO READ : Unexpected Journey of Two Southern Right Whales Reached 10,000 Kilometers Across the Atlantic
Dead Whale Exhibit
Each night, the team transfers the whale and exhibits it in various cities. To make a realistic experience for the audience, the specialists installed a machine on the animal that emits a foul smell similar to a decaying whale carcass.
Through the whale exhibit, the artists believe that people would be interested in conversing about the pollution and environmental problems that the planet face today.
Captain Boomer Collective explained that the beached whale serves as a massive metaphor for the ongoing destruction of the natural ecosystem, and by the unsettling view of this gruesome portrayal, people would be able to realign their strained connection to nature.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) say sperm whales are the largest species in the group of toothed whales. The animals are normally found in the deep waters across the coldest regions of the Arctic and Antarctic.
The excessive commercial whaling, which occurred between 1800 to the 1980s, pushed sperm whales near extinction. After the International Whaling Commission banned irresponsible activity, the species' population grew gradually.
Male sperm whales could grow up to 16 meters, while females grow to 10 meters. They are the only living cetaceans with blowholes on their skulls' left sides.
Most are killed due to excessive fishing activities, plastic materials, and even collisions with shipping vessels.
Check out more news and information on Ocean in Science Times.