Photo by Maksim Chernishev on Unsplash
(Photo : Maksim Chernishev on Unsplash)

Many persons who have had hair transplants in Istanbul may be found in Turkey. Modern transplantation technologies have recently been developed to provide a permanent treatment to baldness. Every year, 4 million hair transplant surgeries are conducted worldwide, with Turkey accounting for a large portion of this total with 250 thousand procedures. Turkey has become a world-renowned medical tourism destination since not only hair transplantation but also other aesthetic and dental treatments are performed with the greatest of equipment. In the last ten years, Istanbul has become a popular location for hair transplant surgery, attracting patients from all over the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. The reason behind this is because Istanbul is home to some of the best and most skilled hair transplant surgeons in the world.

Pattern hair loss and baldness are no longer an issue thanks to advances in technology and facilities; people may simply regrow their hair, correct baldness, and groom their appearance with simple, economical, and effective operations. This article will assist you in comprehending and having a clear understanding of what to expect from Hair Transplant in Turkey


Hair transplant methods are usually of two types which are performed including FUE and FUT. 

  • Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) is a surgery in which an entire patch of skin with hair follicles is exported to the desired portion of the body (scalp) where hair is thinning or has completely disappeared.

  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a treatment in which single hair follicles are removed and transplanted to the scalp where hair is thinning or pattern baldness is present.

Single units of follicles are grafted with hair transplant FUE, leaving almost no scar, whereas in FUT, a significant scar forms and the new patch of hair looks like a "hair plug," which is unappealing to many customers since it does not match the rest of the skin colour and is readily apparent.


Both of these procedures are permanent. After the hair is transplanted to the bald scalp, it takes time for it to recover, and even shedding can be noticed in the first few months; however, once the skin has healed, hair begins to grow at its full potential in 6-12 months. Grafted hair fills in bald spots on the skin, and hair grows properly and naturally as it ages. Hormones, food, stress, sickness, and drugs are just a few of the elements that influence hair regrowth.


Multiple sessions of 2-4 hours are usually performed, though this varies from person to person. Mega sessions of 10-12 hours are also used in some circumstances.


The pattern of hair loss and baldness, as well as the amount of hair left on your scalp, will determine the optimal method for you, which can easily be discussed with your surgeon. In fact, it's up to your surgeon to decide what's best for you!


Hair transplantation is a lengthy surgery that necessitates a great deal of patience and attention in order to achieve permanent, visible hair regrowth. In 6-12 months, the expected outcomes should be seen.


After a hair transplant treatment, no long-term medication is required or recommended. Analgesics (for pain), antibiotics (to reduce the risk of infection around the scar), and anti-inflammatory drugs (to reduce swelling around the scar) are provided for transitory side effects and recovery.


If you're getting a hair transplant in Turkey, you can rest confident that you'll be in good hands and that you've chosen the greatest selection possible. Istanbul's hair transplant clinics and hospitals are not only up to date with modern amenities, but they are also relatively reasonable. These aestheticians not only make sure to regrow your hair but also your confidence and conviction you had in your personality