Photo by Andrew Valdivia on Unsplash
(Photo : Andrew Valdivia on Unsplash)

Towing is a skill and everyone must learn it for you never know when you may need it. You don't need to be a regular camper or a truck driver to learn it. Life is full of possibilities and one can never be sure when one may need a skill let alone the important one like towing. Towing is not just hooking a trailer behind your truck and pulling it, you have to learn so many things to make it work. 

If you are someone going on your first vacation with a trailer and you don't know much about towing, we have compiled some hacks for you to make your whole experience go smooth with safety.

Practice before Going on Road

Get someone who has experience of towing and practice it before going on the road for the actual drive. Learn the basics, of braking, reversing, turning et cetera. This practice will save you from many blunders amateurs make on road.

Is your Truck in top Shape?

The foremost step is to make sure your truck is in top shape. Towing is a very stressful job for the tow vehicle as it has to pull so much weight, so it needs to be properly maintained. It is better to put the new oil and filter before starting your journey. Moreover, check the conditions of your brakes. To be on the safe side, change the brake pads too. Lastly, have a look at your engine coolant and make sure it's in the required amount. Have some spare too.

Check the Tires

Tires are most important. Many people check their truck's tires before moving which is good. But you must also check the tires of the trailer. Make sure that the tires of the trailer are in working condition and are not too old. One pro tip, keep the pressure in your truck's tires above normal as they have to tow. 

Your truck is most likely to have a spare. But never forget to keep a spare for your trailer too. Your trailer can get a flat tire too and you should have one for the time.

Choose the Best Hitch

When it comes to towing, the quality of the hitch is as much important as the tow truck. You must always go for the right hitch for your truck and trailer keeping the weight of the trailer into consideration. For those who don't know what kind of hitch to use, using a fifth wheel hitch can solve many of your problems because of its wide utility. Always keep in mind that driving while towing is very different than ordinary driving and much of your work can be done by a good hitch. So, never show negligence in it.

Keep Extra Fuel

You can get a truck with a larger than usual fuel tank. But if you don't have one, keep spare fuel in cans. When you are out on the road, you never know what may happen. Moreover, towing puts strain on your truck's engine and it is likely to consume more than usual fuel. And you may not find quality fuel on the road. So, being a little cautious never hurts.

Be Careful while Turning

Turning while towing requires additional care. Frequent towers know this but if you are an amateur, try to take wider turns. As you turn while towing, the chances of trailer tires hitting the road divider multiply. By making wider than usual turns, you minimize the risk of stumping on curbs which can imbalance your trailer and truck.

Use a Spotter

Backing up a truck with the trailer attached is rather difficult. As your back camera doesn't work, you need to go old school and have a spotter. You can also use two mirrors but in closed spaces with other items nearby, we would recommend you to use a spotter. 

Choose a Convenient Route

You towing a trailer is adventure enough and don't go on unknown roads. Try to drive on familiar roads that are smooth and don't have any sharp turns on them. Moreover, roads have restrictive limits on the weight, width, and height of the vehicle. Knowing your road ahead will save you from many troubles.

Be Careful Downhill

Driving downhill is rather tricky especially if you are a novice. Don't just apply brakes downhill. The best thing to do is to engage your truck's haul mode. If your truck doesn't have one, shift to a lower gear to slow the vehicle and remove the strain of the brakes. Remember that you have to apply brakes after breaks and not just press them constantly. Your brakes will overheat on constant pushing with so much strain and you will most likely lose them.

By following all these hacks you will be all right. Stay vigilant on the road and don't take any chances out there especially on rugged terrain while towing.