Photo by Katerina Holmes
(Photo : Katerina Holmes from Pexels)

The mental health and education crisis has dramatically worsened in the past two years. Research shows that the COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the mental health of children and adolescents across the globe. 

One in four youths experiences elevated clinical symptoms of depression. Likewise, one in five youths experiences elevated clinical symptoms of anxiety. These numbers are concerning because their mental health conditions can gravely affect their academic performance and society. 

Post-pandemic recovery efforts should therefore give high priority to the improvement of educational systems. In this case, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) intersecting with Educational Technology (EdTech) can provide solutions.

What Is SEL?

Social Emotional Learning is a curriculum framework focusing on students' emotional intelligence. Its process is deeply founded in emotional literacy, which is understanding and managing one's emotions and demonstrating empathy.

The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning pioneered the framework, also known as CASEL. According to them, there are five developmental competencies that SEL aims to hone: 

1. Self-Management

Managing one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to attain personal goals are the key components of this competency. These include stress management, emotion regulation, self-discipline, self-motivation, planning and organizational skills, and demonstrating individual and collective agency.

2. Self-Awareness

Understanding oneself in terms of thoughts, emotions, and values is vital to understanding and improving behaviors. Self-awareness can promote self-efficacy, a growth mindset, and even a sense of purpose. 

3. Responsible Decision-Making

This competency is about making reasoned judgments and considering the consequences of actions. This also includes curiosity, open-mindedness, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

4. Relationship Skills

The core of this competency is the ability to communicate effectively, navigate diverse situations, and collaborate efficiently in resolving conflicts or problems. Identifying and fostering positive relationships is essential to resist harmful peer and social pressure.

5. Social Awareness

Social awareness is having empathy and compassion toward people from different backgrounds. It also includes respect toward other ways of living and differing perspectives. 

What Are the Steps to SEL, and How Can EdTech Help?

Due to the mental health toll brought by the lockdowns, members of the educational sector have been figuring out ways to fill in the learning gaps. In one study, 56 percent of educators said SEL resources are critical to returning students to the post-pandemic track. Moreover, 49 percent cited easy-to-use technology as another important tool in classrooms and remote learning. 

Teachers can weave SEL into academic lessons by making them more personal and relatable. Some educators may have it as a particular portion of their daily class. It could also be in regular check-ins, asking students where they are mentally and where they stand at a specific SEL lesson. 

On the other hand, EdTech can supply both teachers and students with the tools to communicate and express themselves better. Teachers can use online resources at the beginning of the school year to make an all about me template to get to know their students better. This method can be a good starting point for students to feel comfortable expressing themselves. 

Although EdTech is most significant in remote learning, it also gives students the advantage of self-directed learning. It gives them more accessible access to resources and visually engaging materials. EdTech also benefits teachers because it takes some load off their shoulders. They can have digital tools to create assignments, give real-time feedback, check on the students, and track their progress.

Community Efforts Strengthen the Benefits of SEL

A number of researches show that SEL is beneficial even in the long term. The soft skills learned through the framework improve attendance, grades, emotion regulation, and problem-solving. Even in adulthood, they carry core values to keep them from engaging in harmful behavioral problems.

CASEL also suggests that integrating SEL-related efforts outside the school setting (i.e., homes and communities) can result in more positive outcomes. The students get to practice their learned skills on a broader scope. After all, these soft skills apply to various contexts.