Dozens of sheep went in loops within at least 12 straight days, seemingly without rhyme or reason. Per Metro, according to sheep owner Ms. Miao, only the sheep in pen 13 (out of 34 total) have been partaking in the strange rite. Based on the reports of the Chinese state-run news site People's Daily, the sheep are fully healthy, and no one understands why they participated in such bizarre behavior. It's also unclear whether the sheep took a break from their routine to eat or drink. The circle they were tracing appeared to be nearly flawless as well.
As reported in the New York Post, some individuals believe it is caused by Listeriosis, sometimes known as "circling illness." They've been on the road since November 4. It's unknown whether they pause to eat or drink. At first, afflicted animals are anorexic, sad, and confused. They may force themselves into obstacles, lean on immovable objects, or circle forward towards the injured side," as per the Merck Manual.
Conforming outbreaks are usually caused by rotten or low-quality silage. However, in sheep as well as goats, death typically happens between 24 and 48 hours after the onset of symptoms.
The great sheep mystery! Hundreds of sheep walk in a circle for over 10 days in N China's Inner Mongolia. The sheep are healthy and the reason for the weird behavior is still a mystery.
— People's Daily, China (@PDChina) November 16, 2022
Possible Listeriosis Infection
Listeriosis can possibly be a fatal infection due to the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. People commonly get listeriosis after ingesting tainted food. Pregnant women, babies, elderly individuals, and persons with compromised immune systems are the most vulnerable to the illness. Other groups are unlikely to become ill from Listeria infection.
Listeriosis is often a minor infection in pregnant women, but it could result in serious sickness in the fetus as well as the newborn baby. Some Listeria infections result in serious infections of the bloodstream (producing sepsis) or the brain, most often in seniors 65 and older and persons with compromised immune systems (causing meningitis or encephalitis). Listeria infections can occasionally spread to other regions of the body, such as bones, joints, and areas of the chest and abdomen, as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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Listeriosis Outbreaks on Sheep and Goats
Listeriosis is a serious bacterial illness that primarily causes encephalitis in sheep and goats although it can also cause blood infections and miscarriage.
This bacterial infection is caused by the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes which is most frequent in colder climes. Such bacteria can exist in soil, food, and even healthy animals' excrement. This illness is most typically seen in sheep and goats as a result of feeding moldy or rotten hay or silage. The sheep and goats can become sick even if they are not fed with moldy or rotting hay or silage discovered in the environment.
In sheep and goats, environmental and fecal contaminants are more prevalent than silage contamination since most are never fed silage. Thus, according to Michigan State University Extension, silage should not be used for small sheep flocks or goat herds since the feeds would decay before they can be digested, potentially resulting in Listeriosis outbreaks.
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