According to Science Alert, several species come into being only in a period of transition. Thus, when this period is over, they succumb to extinction, become a different species, or alter as time passes because of changes in the environment and sporadic mutations. In fact, according to the Oxford University Press, a typical and usual mammalian species is assumed to exist for one million years.
Science Alert notes that humans today, Homo sapiens, have existed for around 300,000 years. This, thus, presses a concerning question: what happens to the human race when the race reaches its one-millionth year?

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The Future of the Human Race Beyond a Million Years of Existence
Sci-fi writer H.G. Wells was among the first to think about how humans can become alien-like over time.
In his essay entitled Man of the Year Million in 1883, Wells noted his visions of what has become commonly accepted: creatures with small bodies and big brains. He speculated that the human race might divide and become at least two types of species.
Though these evolutionary notions have not seen fruit over time, the three primary possibilities that Wells noted could still be true. Science Alert notes that there is still a possibility for humans to become extinct, become different species, or change altogether.
With the advancement of technology and biotechnology, the probability of this occurrence may significantly rise. Certain technologies may enter the future. These could be enhancement of humans, emulation of the brain, or even AI. All of these may allow the creation of a different species that biology has never seen yet.
Using Technology to Make Humans Better
According to Science Alert, several individuals desire to improve the human condition. These improvements can be in the form of slowing down the aging process, boosting mood and intelligence, or even allowing body alteration that could lead to the discovery of an entirely different species.
While these may be visionary anticipations, those who expect and look forward to these may be left in the gray. Despite the possibility of these technologies becoming as mainstream as smartphones, many may still not agree with the principle behind human enhancement. Several may want to stay "normal."
Science Alert notes that humans may see the arrival of the most enhanced version of people that will become a species that is "posthuman." Along with this may be a race of holdouts that claim to be humans.
Brain emulation, AI, and software intelligence can all enable the human race to go beyond. Science Alert notes that there is a likelihood that the human race will have a planet wherein humans get altered or replaced by AI, software intelligence, or both.
If current biological humans succumb to extinction, it may also be due to reasons beyond the evident and immediate risks. Extinction can also be fueled by tolerance, scarcity of respect, and contracts of binding between other post-human races.
Check out more news and information on Human Evolution in Science Times.