An artificial intelligence (AI) has revealed a series of chilling photos of what the "Face of God" may look like. The Sun reported that the pictures are the product of the requests of people who wanted to see AI-generated, weird, and otherworldly pictures of "God's Face."
The algorithm revealed a diverse group of individuals, the great majority of whom appear to be women and were manufactured by AI, which gives people of what a deity might look like. One of the most remarkable photographs is an elderly man's wizened face suddenly emerging out of a hillside.

AI-Generated 'Face of God'
It is one of several created with the NightCafe Creator system, which is one of a new generation of emerging computer tools used to make AI art.
The faces generated by the AI resemble humans, yet they also have an otherworldly and ethereal feel about them. Even while many religions refer to their deity as "he," "he," or "father," the majority look feminine or androgynous.
The gender of the deity is frequently discussed among religious experts, and several faiths feature female gods, such as Hinduism's Bhumi. One especially remarkable picture depicts a disembodied female face decorated with various crown-like growths. She looks out from the center of the photograph at the spectator, an orange light on her cheek that depicts a golden tear.
Another strange image depicts a bald head with a mechanical beard supposedly sprouting from a hillside. It gazes out over the lonely terrain, possibly contemplating its own creation.
Other startling images depict a lovely woman wearing a crown made of rubbish. She sits with her eyes closed and has a strong light surrounding her.
Another depicts a feminine face with her eyes closed and what looks to be a halo rising over her head. While another picture appears, it depicts a person with a severe countenance wearing a wimple or hat.
The AI-generated faces look to be a blend of heavenly and ethereal. Meanwhile, the landscape alternatives are gloomy and frightening, with rugged mountainsides lighted by fire and some appearing to have temple-like buildings on them.
Examples of AI Generated Face of God
Science Times tried to use NightCafe Creator to generate images on how God may look like. Here are the results:

AI Art Expanding Human Creativity
Could one of these AI-generated images be the true Face of God?
According to The Sun's report, the AI system only responds to the restricted commands supplied to it rather than possessing profound knowledge. It works by complying with the text prompt by the user before the system produces the AI art.
The technique was designed by Angus Russell and gets its name from the renowned Vincent Van Gogh painting "The Night Cafe". It assembles images using machine learning and a neural network in response to human inputs.
AI artists have embraced the interaction of chance and control and employ AI to strike a balance between the two while producing innovative thoughts and aesthetics, as per Artland Magazine. In fact, AI art is already on pop record covers, adorning traditional art gallery walls, and broadening people's understanding of computer-generated art.
Perhaps soon AI systems may be taught to write original music in the manner of Elvis Presley or even produce paintings in the style of Caravaggio, and even create motion pictures and animation in partnership with an artist. AI can assist conservators in recreating long-lost art historical treasures by evaluating artworks and understanding the distinct style of each artist who has lived.
Watch the video below to see the photos of the "Face of God":
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