Though Mars is thought to have a predominantly reddish color, it is beleived that Mars used to be blue as it was covered by bodies of water. SciTechDaily notes how such a fact helps scientists and individauls understand whether the planet was capable of supporting life.
While researchers generally agree that water was present on Mars at a certain point, the exact duration and extent are still being debated on.
Mars Had Oceans That Were 300 Meters Deep
In a study published in Science Advances, researchers declare how Mars could have been covered by oceans worth 300 meters deep roughly 4.5 billion years ago. The study was mainly conducted by specialists from the University of Copenhagen.
At such a time, ice-filled asteroids were bombarding Mars. This took place during the first hundred million years of Mar's evolution. Interestingly, the asteroids also held organic molecules that play vital roles in the facilitation and fostering of life. This is according to professor Martin Bizzarro of the Centre for Star and Planet Formation.
Other than the water they bring, the asteroids also carried molecules, including amino acids, into Mars. Amino acids, specifically, are utilized when both RNA and DNA build bases for cell life and needs.
Was Mars Capable of Facilitating Life Before Earth?
Such a study connotes that the oceans that filled the now Red Planet had a depth of at least 300 meters. SciTechDaily reports how they could have been up to a kilometer deep. Professor Bizzarro explains that when comparing this to human's very own planet, earth actually has extremely little water.
After the first hundred million years, something devastating took place. It is thought that a great collision took place between earth and another planet that has the same size as Mars. A particular energetic collision led to the formation of the earth-moon system and simultaneously eradicated possible life across earth.
Hence, the scientists have convincing proof that conditions which allow life were present across the Red Planet way before earth.
Studying Mars Through a Meteorite That is a Billion Years Old
SciTechDaily notes that it was through a billion-year meteorite that researchers were able to examine the history of Mars. This meteorite used to be part of the Red Planet's original crust. It also grants interesting insight into the occurrences during the formation period of the solar system.
The entire secret sits on the formation of Mars' surface because such a surface is not mobile. The opposite can be said about earth, as tectonic plates continually move and get used again for the interior of the planet.
Professor Bizzarro notes that it is because of earth's tectonic plates that evidence of the first 500 million years of earth's history got erased. Mars, on the other hand, does not have such plates. As a result, its surface keeps a record of the planet's history.
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