Phobias are marked fear or anxiety about specific objects or situations. For example, some may fear spiders, heights, or flying. Some people can even acquire strange phobias like fearing balloons or bananas.

Here are examples of phobias that people have on common objects, which might be odd to many. But first, let's define what phobia is.

Unusual Phobias Explained: Here are 6 Common Objects That Cause Real Distress to Those Who Fear Them
(Photo : Pixabay/_Alicja_)
Unusual Phobias Explained: Here are 6 Common Objects That Cause Real Distress to Those Who Fear Them

What Is Phobia?

As per Johns Hopkins Medicine, a phobia is an uncontrollable, irrational, and lasting fear or anxiety about a certain object or situation. The fear is so overwhelming that people may go to great lengths to avoid the object or situation that causes their anxiety. A response to phobia may include a panic attack, which is a sudden, intense fear that happens when there is no real danger.

In the US, about 19 million Americans have one or more phobias that range from mild to severe. It could happen early in childhood or between ages 15 and 20. They can affect both men and women although the former tend to seek treatment more than the latter.

Studies have shown that both genetic and environmental factors contribute to phobias. Some phobias may be attributed to a bad first encounter although mental health experts do not know if it is necessary for all phobias to develop.

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6 Bizarre Phobias

There are three main types of phobia: specific, social, and agoraphobia. All three equally cause distress to the person once the source of their phobia is present. But here are some bizarre phobias according to Live Science:

1. Fear of Bananas (Bananaphobia)

The fear of bananas does exist and one case was reported in Daily Mail in 2011. The woman had been scared of bananas all her life that she could not stand being in the same room as them without feeling nauseated. But through psychotherapy, the patient was able to help overcome her bananphobia.

2. Fear of Balloons (Globophobia)

A 2013 article in the British Medical Journal describes globophobia or the fear of balloons. It says that people with this phobia have an intense fear of the sight, thought, and smell of balloons. But it also noted that most individuals with globophobia are only afraid of its popping sound.

3. Fear of Belly Buttons (Omphalophobia)

People with omphalophobia are unable to touch the navel area or look at someone's belly button or even think about it. A case featured in a 2016 report in Daily Mail describes a woman who gets ill at the sight of a navel area. Determined to finish her medical degree, she underwent cognitive behavioral therapy.

4. Fear of Clothing (Vestiphobia)

A 2011 case report published in the journal Grand Rounds showed that people with vestiphobia may fear specific garments or are scared of tight-fitting clothing that might make them feel constrained.

5. Fear of Long Words (Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia)

According to the BBC, hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is also known as sesquipedalophobia and is a word that describes the fear of long words. Its name "sesqui" is Latin for "one and a half", while "pedal" means "foot", which literally translates to "the fear of one and a half feet."

6. Toilet Phobias

According to the charity National Phobics Society, toilet phobias describe the condition in which people have difficulties using the toilet. They could manifest as fear of being too far from the toilet, using public toilets, or fear that someone is watching or listening to them while using the toilet. Their fear could be so intense that they avoid going to the loo.

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Check out more news and information on Phobia in Science Times.