Blue whales can weigh as much as 200 tons, making them the biggest creatures on earth. According to the WWF, their hearts are as big as Volkswagen beetles, while their stomachs can carry up to a ton of krill.
These creatures are also known to be the earth's loudest animals, as their signals can reach decibel levels as high as 188. A jet can also go as high as 140 decibels.
While blue whales are the earth's largest and loudest animals, they are also record-holders for their penis size.
How Big Is a Blue Whale Testicle?
A blue whale's penis can be as long as 2.5 meters and have a diameter of around 30 to 35 centimeters. The creature's penis size is in proportion to its huge body, which could be as long as 30 meters.
As per Whales Online, each blue whale testicle may weigh around 45 to 68 kg. This is roughly how much a harbor porpoise weighs.
These creatures can also release up to 20 liters of semen. Whales Online notes that sperm quantity may depend on the creature's overall size, penis size, and strategy for reproduction.
While several male species are known to compete with each other using sperm quantity as a basis, this is not the case for blue whales. Instead, they use low-frequency signals for their mating efforts. These sounds can be picked up as far as hundreds of kilometers away. This heightens their likelihoods of getting probable mates from a distance.
How Much Sperm Is in a Sperm Whale?
While blue whales are record-holders for semen ejaculation amounts and penis size, they are not the whales with the word "sperm" attached to their names. That being said, can the same be said for sperm whales?
Like blue whales, sperm whales are also known to be the loudest and largest creatures on the planet. In fact, in terms of decibels, the sperm whale could be even louder than the blue whale. Ocean Info also reports that, in terms of size, sperm whales can reach up to a whopping 67 feet, which is around 20 feet shorter compared to that of the blue whale.
Sperm whales also have the largest known brain on earth. According to National Geographic, their brains also contain huge amounts of a substance known as spermaceti.
There was a time when whalers thought that the oily substance was sperm. However, until now, the spermaceti's function has remained a mystery.
Whale Facts notes that there are researchers, however, who think that spermaceti aids the whale's buoyancy by enabling it to adapt to the fluid consistency and balance within its head.
According to Britannica, the spermaceti organ is a unique feature found in sperm whales. Its volume can reach as high as 2,000 liters. It can also extend up to 40% of the length of the sperm whale.
While this is a remarkable number, it is a different case compared to that of the blue whale. Nevertheless, both creatures are important objects of study when it comes to the marine world.
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