While it was raining heavily, a rare and potentially deadly albino Indian cobra was spotted at a house in India.

Rescued and Released Albino Indian Cobra
Newsweek reports that the heavy rain washed the creature into the house. The creature was reportedly around 5-foot-long. News18 adds that Naeem Shaikh, a snake catcher expert, notes that these snake species tend to be underdeveloped, yet this one was fully developed.
When the residents found the snake, they contacted the local Wildlife and Nature Conservation Trust (WNCT). This non-profit organization serves and protects wildlife through rescue, training, awareness, anti-poaching, rehabilitation, conservation, and conflict mitigation efforts.
The said organization then deployed a snake catcher to retrieve the cobra and release it into the wild safely. More specifically, it was released into a reserve forest in Anaikatti, as reported by News18.
As per the Miami Herald, the forested area where the creature was released is known for its biodiversity. It also serves as a suitable home for the creature to survive and thrive.
WNCT notes that the creature's release to its natural habitat helps ensure it can continue living undisturbed. This is also a vital step for species conservation, as it would aid in maintaining the region's ecological balance.
The 5-foot long Albino Cobra, which was rescued by WNCT from Kurichi neighbourhood today (03/05/2023) was later released into the wild in the forest areas surrounding Mangarai, a small hamlet in Perianaickenpalayam block of Coimbatore, in the foothills of Anaikatti at around 8.00 pm. After the rescue, the albino cobra snake was taken to a safe location and assessed by experts to determine its condition. Once it was deemed healthy and fit for release, the snake was released into the wild. The forest areas surrounding Mangarai, where the snake was released, are known for their rich biodiversity and provide a suitable habitat for the snake to thrive. Releasing it into its natural habitat ensures that the snake can continue to live its life without any disturbance. It is also an essential step in the conservation of the species, as it helps maintain the ecological balance of the region. Posted by Wildlife & Nature Conservation Trust (WNCT) on Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Albinism and Cobras
A spokesperson from WNCT notes that the albino cobra is quite rare to find, considering its albino condition and that it is an Indian cobra.
Experts note that albino cobras are known for their atypical looks. This condition results from a genetic mutation that stops melatonin from giving off a yellowish-white pigment.
Newsweek also adds that albinism takes place across the entire animal kingdom. It usually happens among amphibians, reptiles, and birds. It is rarely sighted among mammals and humans.
The Indian cobra is a native of the subcontinent. Newsweek adds that the creature is among the four species that account for most snakebites that are clinically significant across South Asia.
The WNCT also adds that cobras are seriously dangerous creatures that may pose serious risks to humans. The venom of these creatures may lead to paralysis or death.
Considering the risks posed, an experienced and skilled snake catcher should retrieve and release these creatures. The snakes must be handled with the right expertise and care, as mistakes may lead to serious damage.
Because of this, the WNCT's rescue of the albino Indian cobra is quite remarkable and worthy of recognition. The WNCT adds that recognizing and appreciating such efforts are vital, as they save animals and alleviate risks posed to humans.
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