Photo by Milli on Unsplash
(Photo : Milli on Unsplash)

Do you have a dog that loves to sit at the edge of the dinner table or beside you on the couch while enjoying a snack and binging on your favorite television show? While plenty of people might look at this behavior as a nuisance, other pet owners don't mind it at all, and they may be curious about which of their favorite foods their four-legged family members are allowed to eat as well. Not only can dogs enjoy certain human foods they can gain massive benefits from some "human" foods. Keep reading to learn about the healthiest foods you can share with your dog, completely carefree. 


The next time you make a snack board with healthy veggies, hummus, and crackers, feel free to share as many carrots as you want with your pup. Carrots are safe, raw, and cooked for your dog, and give them the same important dose of Vitamin A, beta-carotene, and fiber that we reap as humans. Dogs need these nutrients, too, so denying them a healthy snack option seems doggone wrong! Additionally, chewing on raw carrots is excellent for Fido's dental health. 

Peanut Butter

Who doesn't love a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? While you should skip the sugary bread and jam you put on yours, if your pooch is begging for some PB as you make your next sandwich, go ahead and give them a spoonful! Peanut butter is rich in protein, vitamins B and E, and niacin. While you don't want to feed your dog an entire tub of peanut butter, a spoonful a few times a week is just fine - but avoid peanut butter with artificial additives, particularly Xylitol, which is highly toxic to dogs - all natural is the way to go. 


One of the sweetest treats on the list for dogs safe to eat that also packs a nutritional punch is bananas, so if you've ever wondered, "Can dogs have bananas?" the answer is a resounding yes! While you want to feed them in moderation, like peanut butter, the health benefits of bananas to your dog come in the form of potassium, biotin (great for their coat), fiber, and copper - all important nutrients dogs need. So, cut a few slices off your banana for your dog in the morning, and definitely don't throw away overripe bananas without giving your pup a few bites.


Eggs are an excellent source of protein for both humans and dogs alike. In most commercial dog foods, a huge portion of the ingredients provide protein, so give your dog some protein-packed eggs to provide them with all the energy they need. Eggs also contain virtually every vitamin and mineral, making them one of the healthiest foods on the planet and a well-rounded and well-deserved treat your dog will surely savor. Raw eggs pose a Salmonella threat to anyone, your dog included, so feed hard boiled eggs or eggs cooked any style. 

Sweet Potatoes 

Did you know that the "lowly" sweet potato is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet? Humans can survive on sweet potatoes alone if they have to (thank goodness we don't). But, your dog will appreciate the sweetness of yam, and his body will appreciate the Vitamins B-6 and C that they're full of. Add some cooked sweet potatoes to your dog's dry food to give them a real treat. Sweet potatoes are also a great addition to dogs that suffer chronic or occasional gastrointestinal distress. 


In the wild, dogs are carnivores, so it makes sense that meat would appear on this list, but the healthiest meat you can feed your pup is salmon. Salmon is high in protein and full of essential omega-3 fatty acids. Many dog owners give their dogs omega supplements, so why not feed them these beneficial nutrients straight from the source? You should never feed raw salmon to your dog, and while you shouldn't butter or season it the way you would your own, cooked salmon will be gobbled up in a flash when presented to your pup. 

Other super healthy treats you can feed your dog without care are blueberries, oatmeal, apple slices (never the core), chicken, and even plain yogurts and cheese - but those mentioned above are best. We see plenty of wagging tails in your future if you add these to your doggo's menu!