It is no secret that the human brain is very complex and capable of doing many amazing things. It enables man to perceive reality leading to explorations and discoveries of scientific breakthroughs.

However, scientists believe that the human mind can still expand its reach beyond the realms of the physical world. They seek its potential to access the innate knowledge of the universe by transcending space and time. This has been the focus of the training system developed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
What is the CIA Energy Hologram Capable of Doing?
In 1983, U.S. Army Lt. Col. Wayne M. McDonnell was asked by the CIA to make a report on the possible technique to build a laser beam powered by the human mind. Also known as the Gateway Process, the procedure involves converting the energy of the mind and exploring the depths of consciousness. McDonnells provided instructions for this project in a 28-page report titled "Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process."
McDonnell was commissioned to work on this project at a time in history when the US expressed deep interest in various psychic research. During this time, the Soviet Union, its rival nation, had a keen curiosity about psychokinesis and extrasensory perception (ESP) used in spying missions during the Cold War.
The Gateway Experience was based on research conducted by a radio broadcasting executive named Robert Monroe during the 1950s regarding the effects of sound on human consciousness. Monroe's company developed and patented an audio technique called Hemi-Sync which involves using sound waves to alter the state of human consciousness. Monroe claims that by synchronizing the left and right hemispheres of the brain, a person can be subjected to out-of-body experiences.
In making the report for the CIA, McDonnell worked with Israeli-American bioengineer Itzhal Bentov, using various consciousness-altering techniques to test the Gateway Experience. Biomedical models and quantum mechanics were utilized to explain human consciousness's function. On the other hand, classical and theoretical physics were used in describing the nature of the time-space dimension.
In simplifying the concept of Hemi-Sync, the scientists compared the human brain to a shining lamp that lights on a limited area. When both hemispheres are synchronized, the light gets concentrated into a beam of light like a laser. Meanwhile, McDonnell believes the universe is a large hologram with unthinkable complexity. The holograms developed by the human mind have consciousness of the universal hologram. The brain's right hemisphere receives energy from the universal hologram, while the left hemisphere translates it into consciousness.
What Happened to the Secret Project?
McDonnell claimed that the Gateway Process was still far from perfect but had extreme potential. In the written document, he listed suggestions on how the CIA should design the research in Gateway Studies. However, there is no available information if they did work on it in the future.
A particular sheet, page 25, was missing from McDonnell's report. On this page, he describes the potential uses for the Gateway Experience, but the CIA mentioned that this sheet was not present. This led to conspiracy theories that McDonnell might have done on purpose to encourage experts to master the process and experience it themselves in the future.
Under the CIA's approval, the report was declassified in 2003, meaning anyone can access it. In 2017, the agency declassified 12 million pages of the document, which disclosed program details that were previously unknown.
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