Photo by RDNE Stock project
(Photo : RDNE Stock project from Pexels)

Cryptocurrencies are among the most controversial assets available today. Staggering growth over the past few years has sent many traders rushing to enter this market and claim their share of the profits. However, many of those traders likely wish they hadn't. While cryptocurrency trading has a lot of potential, it also comes with more than its fair share of risks.

Some Benefits of Crypto Trading

There's no denying that many traders have made significant profits off of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. While a lot of these profits came from early adopters, there are still traders choosing crypto today for these key benefits.

1. Massive Growth Potential

Even with rocky performance throughout 2022 and 2023, the price of Bitcoin has literally increased tenfold in the past five years. Many other major cryptocurrencies have shown similar performance, and a select few have done considerably better. While the future is far from certain, cryptocurrencies still show incredible growth potential.

2. Quantum AI Trading

Since the invention of quantum computing more than 20 years ago, Wall Street has begun to warm to the long-term potential of the technology. When investor confidence reached at an all-time high in 2021, a number of pure-play stocks went public.

The power of quantum physics is harnessed by quantum computing technology, which makes use of phenomena like superposition, when items at the subatomic scale exist in more than one state at once. It's intriguing because this area of study holds the potential to greatly increase computer speed compared to what is now feasible. It's worth noting that there are certain schemes that present themselves as Quantum AI Trading bots. Something which some industry watchdog websites such as claim to be a "scam". 

3. Exciting New Projects

Cryptocurrencies and related technologies are moving forward rapidly, with new projects emerging every day. Some of these projects present exciting new features that could turn into the next big thing. The opportunity to get in on the ground floor like this is rare when trading most other types of assets, providing lots of potential for traders who can spot winners early.

4. Control Over Your Investments

If you hold cryptocurrencies in your own wallet, there's no way for anyone to access them except with your private key. The government, banks, and other institutions simply cannot access your investment. This level of control is considered an asset by many who hope to avoid interference with their funds by other parties.

Crypto Trading Risks That Could Affect Your Investment

While crypto presents many opportunities, it also has a variety of risks that you won't find with most other investments. Anyone trading crypto should be aware of these risks and how they can impact their bottom line.

1. Exchange Collapse

Many crypto traders keep their cryptocurrencies on exchanges rather than in their own wallets. If the exchange collapses, their investment goes with it, and there are rarely the same consumer protections that would protect investors with other types of firms. Exchange collapse is rare but has happened multiple times, including Mt. Gox in 2014, Quadriga in 2019, and FTX in 2022.

2. Regulatory Changes

Regulations around cryptocurrency trading are often complex and vary widely from country to country. Even where they are favorable today, they can change in an instant. China and India are both examples of countries where a sudden change impacted crypto trading, with China banning crypto entirely in 2021. In other countries, changing tax laws could make trading unprofitable in an instant.

3. Losing Access to Holdings

Handled properly, cryptocurrencies provide exceptional security. However, that same security could prevent you from accessing your investments. If you hold your crypto in your wallet and lose your password, then there is nothing you can do to get it back. There's no bypass or override and no administrator who can open it up. It is simply gone forever.

4. Crypto Trading Scams

Traders looking for the next crypto opportunity often find themselves inundated with scam offers. These scams outweigh legitimate investment opportunities by a wide margin and are widely promoted across social media and the web. New traders are particularly susceptible to falling victim, which is why they should stick with registered brokers and well-known platforms.

Is Crypto Trading Worth the Risk?

Crypto trading presents both opportunities and challenges for traders at any experience level. However, inexperienced traders who aren't familiar with the technology and principles of crypto trading are at much higher risk. If you're just entering the crypto market, take every opportunity with a grain of salt and avoid committing too much of your portfolio before learning the ropes.