A new study has discovered that spending much time watching TV could make one age unhealthily.
In fact, the study discovered that exchanging an hour's worth of watching TV for standing or walking could boost one's chances of healthy aging.
Light-Intensity Physical Activity For Healthy Aging
The study stresses how light-intensity physical activity (LPA) is crucial to promote healthy aging for older women.
As part of the study, the researchers followed more than 45,000 participants of the Nurses' Health Study for two decades. The data covered nurses who were at least 50 years of age and who did not have any major chronic conditions in 1992.
Their study defined healthy aging as being able to live until at least 70 while keeping four domains of health. These domains are, namely, physical function, mental health, no subjective memory impairments, and no major chronic conditions.
The researchers did so in order to see how light physical activity and sedentary behavior could affect healthy aging.
They were able to discover three main points. For one, the study discovered that spending more time sitting, particularly watching TV, notably decreased one's chances of aging healthily.
Moreover, an added two hours each day of watching TV was linked to a 12% lower likelihood of keeping good health as one ages.
On the contrary, having LPA engagements, such as walking around or standing, was found to boost the likelihood of healthy aging. For example, replacing an hour's worth of TV time for light physical activity was found to boost healthy aging odds by 8% to 10%.
The study also noted that activities of higher intensity could also offer notable health benefits. It noted that replacing an hour's worth of sedentary behavior with vigorous or moderate physical activity led to a 28% higher chance of healthy aging.
All of these were noted in the "Sedentary Behaviors, Light-Intensity Physical Activity, and Healthy Aging" study.
Minimal Exercise Is Better Than None
Such findings suggest that just modest physical activity increases, even light activities, could lead to healthier aging. This is very relevant, especially for older adults who may find it hard to have vigorous exercise engagements.
The study shows that having more light physical activities integrated into usual routines, such as standing while working, could yield great health effects.
It also underscores how important it is to reduce sedentary time and to incorporate LPA more into daily life in order to promote healthier aging. Little changes could yield great differences in maintaining one's mental and physical health with old age.
Scientists are discovering more evidence that minimal exercise is still better compared to none. Even low physical activity levels could yield great health benefits.
Having light activity engagements, such as standing or walking, could boost mental health, reduce chronic disease risk, and boost one's overall well-being,
Studies have also revealed that replacing slack periods of sedentary behavior with LPA exercises could enhance energy levels, improve cardiovascular health, and help keep body weight healthy. Such small changes could compound and lead to a healthier and longer life.
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