The nashi pear, also known for their crisp, water content, grainy textures and its use for tenderizing meat. Researcher's from CISRO, the Australian government's scientific research organisation, found out that this fruit contains mega anti- inflammatory agents that can help you manage the damage done by a hangover. They discovered that drinkers who took nashi pear 5 hours before drinking had an amazingly 50% fewer symptoms to develop hangover compared to drinkers who manages to drink without this treatment. The fruit also reduces the memory loss and your sensitivity to light as a result of your hangover symptoms. Nashi pears also reduce the levels of acetaldehyde, which is responsible for the morning-after effect of a hangover.

Scientist developed a new homemade tonic which reduces and cure the effect of hangovers. In their research, they discover that pear has an enzyme that help burn the body and eliminate alcohol, it also prevents alcohol absorption.

One of the worst thing about drinking is the morning after hangover. As you know, hangovers are the effects of alcohol intoxication. They are strong when alcohol has left the body, and  which are characterized by different symptoms. These include a headache, fatigue, thirst, dizziness, nausea and loss of appetite. The severity of a hangover is in the individual, but most people agree that they are very uncomfortable.

Before entering the potential benefits, it is important to recognize that alcohol is a neurotoxin that can poison your brain. You can also alter the hormonal balance, which may explain why women do not seem to have the same health benefits of alcohol consumption than men. According to the School of Public Health at Harvard, the "moderate" consumption for women is one drink a day, while the "moderate" consumption for men is two drinks. Therefore, women are two or three drinks a day actually in the category of "drinkers" fall.

Another important aspect is that the wine or other alcoholic drinks have different levels of insulin, which ultimately increase a negative impact on your health. As researcher have said many times, insulin resistance is a characteristic of almost all chronic diseases that occur to your body. Heavy drinkers also increased the risk of cancer, heart disease, hypertension and cirrhosis.

According to the School of Public Health at Harvard, women who intake two or more alcoholic drinks a day, has a 40% chance to develop breast cancer.

Other cancers that are related to excessive consumption of alcohol:

  • Mouth, larynx and esophagus
  • Liver
  • Colon
  • Pancreas
  • Lung

Drinking alcohol also inhibit the natural response of stress from your body and corticotropin (CRF) is known. CRF is produced by the hypothalamus and helps stimulate the body's response to stress. If your stress response is altered, the immune system also will be inhibited, which can cause lots of health sickness. Reducing its ability, increases the risk of infections of cancer.