Scientists get lucky for having an up-close view of the elusive boa (Corallus Cropanii) for the first time. The snake is one of the world's rarest snake breed which researchers are looking for the past 64 years.

Express reported that the elusive boa was almost hacked to death when a rural worker has spotted it for the first time. Fortunately, the worker was able to realize that it was the five-foot long snake which the Brazilian research team is looking for. Due to the interest to find the rarest snake in the world, these Brazilian research team spread pictures of the elusive boa to inform the people.

The Brazilian research team from the University of Sao Paulo's Museum of Zoology's interest in the elusive boa had the idea of producing warning signs to locals. Their eagerness to find an alive species of the rarest snake finally came true. Their information dissemination with the locals at the Brazil Ribeira Valley communities on not to use their machetes when they come across the snake had been effective.

According to Science Magazine, 1953 was the last time when a species of this elusive boa (Cropan boa) was seen. From that on, the snake earned the record of the rarest snake in the world due to its disappearance for more than six decades. For the world's record, the species of elusive boa was only seen just five times.

Unluckily, the last elusive boa which was spotted in Brazil's Atlantic Forest south of Sao Paulo was seen dead. As usual, when locals see snakes they will be forced to kill or eat it. This is the reason why scientists could not study such snake species.

Cropan's boa is marked as "endangered," and like another boa, this is "non-venomous." Moreover, the elusive boa is a female with a yellowish belly, black diamond patterns on its back and deep sensory pits lining on the lips. Right before the snake was released again into the forest, it carries a small radio tracker for finding and research purposes.