Carla Simmons

coronavirus is airborne says WHO

Turns Out Coronavirus Can Be Spread Airborne Indoors--WHO

The World Health Organization now recognizes that the coronavirus can be transmitted through airborne transmission. It has updated its recommendations by advising people to avoid crowded places and to make sure buildings have proper ventilation systems.
hamster in planes coronavirus airborne

Is Coronavirus Airborne? Hamsters on a Plane Can Prove The Theory

An epidemiologist claims that hamsters can help us determine whether the coronavirus can be transmitted through particles suspended in the air. His claims come after the World Health Organisation said they are considering the possible airborne transmission of COVID-19.
face mask coronavirus in Clallam County

Clallam County: Here for Service? Put On a Mask First

The "No mask, No Service" policy starts on July 7 in Washington State. Meanwhile, the North Olympic Library System is partnering with the Clallam County Emergency Operations Center in providing free cloth masks to the public, as not everybody has access to such protective equipment.
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