Sandra Handy

Chronic Hepatitis B Infections in Europe on the Rise Since 2008

In 2017, the considerable high rate of 26,907 reported hepatitis B infections particularly chronic cases, in combination with the diversity in stated transmission routes across Europe suggested that countries need to maintain and strengthen local hepatitis prevention and control programs

Friends, Not Fitbit, More Predictive of Health, Says Studies

What the researchers discovered was the social network structure provides a significant improvement in predictability of wellness states of an individual over using the data derived from wearables, like the number of steps or heart rate

How Trees Affect the Weather

Biologists from the University of Utah including William Anderegg, Anna Trugman, and David Bowling have led new research and discovered that some trees and plants are prolific spendthrifts in drought conditions, "spending" precious soil water to cool themselves and, in the process, making droughts more intense. The researchers published their findings in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
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