heart disease

New Possible Treatment For Killer Heart Disease Is On Its Way

Heart diseases are one of the leading causes of death all over the globe. With the newest method by researchers from the University of Manchester and the University of Hull, it seems that there's a new possible treatment for this all time silent killer.

Divorce Linked to an Increased Risk of Heart Disease in Women

The number one cause of death in the United States is coronary heart disease, according to recent statistics. The risk factors that are most often associated with this disease include high blood pressure, smoking and diabetes. And according to a new study, women who have gone through a divorce are more likely to suffer from heart disease.

Treatment for Depression Reduces Risk of Heart Disease

In a three-year study of 5,000 patients suffering from moderate to severe depression, those treated with antidepressants showed lower rates of death due to coronary artery disease and stroke compared to those who did not take the medication.

Researchers Find Aspirin May Cause Stomach Bleeding In Women

However, a recent study found that regular dosage of aspirin could actually do more harm than good, especially amongst middle-aged women. The study investigated 30,000 women over the age of 45 years old, and participants were randomly assigned to take either 100 mg of aspirin or placebos every other day, to determine whether it lowered their risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer. The result showed that those taking aspirin were at a significantly higher risk of suffering from stomach bleeding, while the protective effect of aspirin was found to be marginal.
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