Kepler Space Telescope

British Scientists Use AI to Identify New Planets

An AI Algorithm Was Used to Identify Exoplanets

Scientists created a new AI algorithm to validate planets by sorting through thousands of data collected by NASA. They hope that the future missions can also make use of algorithm as well as other techniques to validate planets.

NASA Researchers Bring Exoplanets to Life in Kepler Style

How many planets like our Earth are out there in space? Well, while the possibilities are endless, and with the vast expanses of the universe the search may be endless. But thanks to NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope, researchers have to date discovered 1,000 Earth-like exoplanets that seem to fit the bill. And in celebration of the record-breaking discovery, researchers at NASA are giving the public a view of what life on these exoplanets inhabited by humans might just look like—with a vintage feel.

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