Mars Curiosity Rover

NASA captures 'crab-like' image on Mars

The car-size robotic rover tag as the "Curiosity" of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA has recently captured a 'crab-like' image on the red planet's surface.

The Deceptive Surface of Mars

The team in charge of the Curiosity rover recently had to find a new route to some interesting rocks that they wanted to study because the original path proved too difficult for the rover to safely traverse.

Methane Spike on the Red Planet Baffles Scientists

Scientists have wondered for over 50 years if Mars contained and was emitting Methane. Now, a spike in methane has scientists puzzled. Did the spike come from the Red Planet or was it simply caused by the rovers scouring the planet?

NASA's Curiosity Rover Adjusts Route Up A Mountain

NASA's Curiosity Rover has been on the move heading towards some interesting rocks for further study. However, its chosen path proved to be too difficult for it to traverse due to the slippery slopes of the Martian mountain. However, scientists in charge of the mission were able to find a new path to the rocks that proved much safer and easier for the rover.

Man's Next Endeavor In Space-Keeping Mankind Alive on Mars

As more news about Mars enters our scientific community each day, the importance of making survival on Mars a priority is thrown into sharp relief. No longer remote, science-fiction the goal of transforming Mars for ourselves with technology is at the core of our next endeavor in space.
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