Nature Communications

Researchers Identified Mechanism Causing Liver Diseases, Reversed Fatty Buildup Process

Senescents are the old cells that store up excess fats due to its damaged metochomdria, the cell's batteries. Researchers found a way to eliminate these old cells and restore the liver to normal. Liver disea es are caused by the fatty build up in the liver leading to a range of ailments from fibrosis, cirrhosis to liver cancer. Researchers identified the mechanism that causes these ailments as the fats being stored by older cells in the liver. People can still develop a fatty liver despite an alcohol-free lifes

The Light Theory—How Researchers Are Proving Einstein Right With a Snapshot

As one of these few disciplines, quantum physics falls into a realm of science where well-documented and highly regarded theories take precedence. But explaining these theories requires a deep understanding of the underlying science, and devising lab experiments to illustrate them is a near impossible feat. One research team of American and Swiss physicists with the EPFL Labs in Switzerland, however, are doing just that. And equipped with some wire, a laser and quick-capturing electron microscope they’re proving what Einstein theorized was true — light can act as a particle and a wave.

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