Parkinson's Disease

air pollution

How Dangerous is the Current State of Air Pollution?

We all know how bad air pollution is to our health, but scientists are investigating on a pollution that is so small, it can easily be inhaled and can cause several health risks that can send you straight to the hospital.

Protein-Linked Sugars are Crucial for the Uptake of Proteins Linked to Parkinson's Disease

The accumulation of alpha-synuclein proteins in the brain is the culprit behind the neurogenerative disorder in Parkinson's disease. Current knowledge cannot explain wholly how alpha-synuclein works, but with its impact in neurogenerative diseases, scientists aim to broaden the knowledge scope on Parkinson's disease and find new treatment methods.

NASA May Find Cure For Parkinson’s In The ISS

Researchers have been trying for years to find a cure for Parkinson’s and sadly, there isn’t one yet. But NASA revealed that their astronauts in the International Space Station are also trying to find a cure for it.
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