
Water Lily Genome A Gateway to Angiosperm Evolution

Water Lily Genome, A Window to Angiosperm Evolution

To further understand how seed-bearing vascular plants came to be, scientists from Pennsylvania State University led an international team in conducting an experiment on the genome of the water lily.

Making Natural Products in an Unnatural Way

The team have been able to create a synthetic metabolic pathway that will allow scientists to access these essential compounds in a controlled and efficient way

Plant Blindness May Lead To Disastrous Consequences

A phenomenon scientists refer to as “Plant Blindness” meant that people forget to express appreciation to the flora around us and this could lead to disastrous effect not only on the environment but on human health as well.

Plants Have Incredible 'Brains' That Are Actually cells

Scientists have proved that just like humans and animals, even plants have brains. A recent study shows that a group of cells act as the brains of plants responsible for decision-making during germination.
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