
Electoral College Voters Cast Ballots Amid Protests

Exercising Rights to Vote Linked to Positive Mental Health

Now that the United States gets to decide its future through electing its leaders, with the right to suffrage, or voting, being one of the rights granted by the Constitution. However, aside from the human rights and civic duty involved, the very act of casting votes can also offer benefits to one's mental health.
The International Space Station (Iss Is Backdropped Against The Blue And White Horizon Scene Of Earth)

The 9th ISS R&D Conference is Opening This Week

The ninth annual International Space Station Research and Development Conference (ISSRDC) is set to open on Thursday, August 27, at 10AM EDT, coinciding with the microgravity laboratory's "20th anniversary of continuous human presence in space."
lab mice euthanasia

Euthanasia for Lab Mice Due to Halt of Non-COVID-19-Related Research

Lab mice and rats are being euthanized across states as labs not related to conducting non-COVID-19 research were forced to shut down. Their populations in labs have gone up as labs started to close, and lab managers are now left with the task of humanely taking their lives.
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